
Showing posts with the label Michael Coren

Here is how Homosexual Marriages will damage Churches

Christians are often asked by gay activists why they oppose same-sex “marriage.” “How does our marriage hurt you?” they ask. Well, I can think of one significant way it will hurt us: It will destroy religious freedom and free speech rights. The handwriting is on the wall in Canada, which legalized same-sex “marriage” in 2005, in effect completely changing its true meaning. Since then, as Michael Coren notes in National Review Online , “there have been between 200 and 300 proceedings … against critics and opponents of same-sex marriage.” Of course he means legal proceedings. For instance, in Saskatchewan, a homosexual man called a state marriage commissioner, wanting to “marry” his partner. The commissioner, an evangelical Christian , declined to conduct the ceremony for religious reasons. He simply referred the man to another commissioner. But that was not enough for the gay couple. Even though they got their ceremony, they wanted to punish the Christian who had declined

The Case Against Same-Sex Marriage

Image via Wikipedia Anyone not living in a cave has noticed the intensifying attack on traditional marriage.  In Vermont, Canada, and Massachusetts—and now California , with the signing of a de facto gay marriage bill—the war drums against traditional matrimony are beating with ever-growing intensity. The onslaught will not be turned back unless the public is given better, more coherent arguments against same-sex spousal unions. While religion plays an obvious role in the debate, the effectiveness of faith-based arguments is limited because most Westerners care little what the Bible or theologians say. To argue from religion will only convince those who are already convinced and will simply alienate the rest. So how can we assemble a coherent and persuasive case? By steering the discussion back to the historical understanding of marriage’s primary end. In recent generations, we’ve seen the belief evolve that the overriding purpose of marriage is the spouses’ mutual pleasure. This