Analysis of the Association Between State Same-Sex Marriage Policies and Adolescent Suicide Attempts

This study attempts to say that state homosexual marriage policies bring a reduction in adolescent suicide attempt. But when you look closer at the study you this is not exactly the case and that 1 in 5 still are attempting suicide for other reasons - perhaps it is the lifestyle of homosexuality itself, which studies like this and other simply ignore. 

This study says simply - I want to choose a homosexual lifestyle, my family and friends reject me - I feel suicidal - if only homosexual marriage was legal I would not feel this way. 
Therefore if it becomes legal - friends and family should accept me and i will feel better. But the lifestyle of the homosexual is not examined and never will be because that is off the table. Why? 

The study did not identify suicide intervention studies that addressed the substantially elevated risk of suicide attempts among adolescents who identified as sexual minorities. 

It appears that homosexual marriage policies may reduce suicide attempts among adolescents who were sexual minorities, but more than 1 in 5 adolescents who identified as sexual minorities reported attempting suicide after homosexual marriage laws were implemented in homosexual marriage states. 

This study has huge limitations. The main outcome is based on self-report, which is the standard approach to assessing suicide attempts, given that a minority of individuals who attempt suicide present to hospitals and that suicides are rare and often underreported. Given that these are teenagers who tend to be emotional for various reasons.

The analyses on the association between implementation of homosexual marriage policies and adolescent suicide attempts among those identifying as sexual minorities should be interpreted with caution given the limited data availability on sexual orientation and the potential for homosexual marriage to affect sexual minority identity.

The study could not also control the unmeasured individual-level characteristics, including socioeconomic status, or for unmeasured state characteristics that may change over time, such as religious affiliation or acceptance of sexual minorities, false concepts of the virtue of the homosexual lifestyle, the often conflicting and confusing information distributed by the homosexual lobby groups and also the constant "suicide warning" issued by the homosexual lobby as a result of what the lobby calls 'hate speech.' Homosexual lobby groups could also be 'priming the pump' by focusing on suicide as an answer to teenage grief. They could be causing the huge spike in suicide. The religious position on immoral homosexual lifestyle is also causing a negative. If the laws and teaching of Christianity are true and that the homosexual lifestyle is abhorrent sinful and debauched then the reality of that will have a negative mental health implication on the teem their inner life and thoughts. The homosexual lobby rejects the religious notion and dismissed these warnings. But most people understand when it come to heterosexual adultery or betrayal that mental health issues arise. The Christian tradition states this is a sin but also implies such sin will damage and break the 'spirit' the inner life, the heart of the person. 

The homosexual lifestyle rejects all such notions but by doing so they ignore the consequences of their lifestyle let alone the rejection by family and friends who often believe this is simply the excessive anti-moral, individualistic culture 'free to do whatever you want' regardless of what others think, only to discover it doesn't work that way.

Finally, the analysis does not allow the researchers to understand the mechanisms through which implementation of same-sex marriage policies reduced adolescent suicide attempts. 

In other words, they are making flase statement that homosexual marriage reduces gay teen suicide.

There is a need for further research to understand the association between sexual minority rights, stigma, and sexual minority health.

Although it is unclear what drives greater rates of suicide attempts among adolescents who are sexual minorities, prior evidence suggests several potential mechanisms, including stigma. Link and Phelan defined stigma as the confluence of labeling, stereotyping, differentiation from the norm, status loss, and discrimination in the context of differential power. 

Stigma based on sexual orientation is associated with mental distress, anxiety and depression, and greater rates of suicide attempts. Stigma blames the community, family and friends, whereas the homosexual action and lifestyle is presented as healthy good, righteous and should be accepted and promoted. Unfortunately this is not the case as this lifestyle is unhealthy, confused, against biological design and in the past deadly. But the homosexual lobby will blame everyone else except the homosexual lifestyle itself. 

Policies preventing homosexual marriage constitute a form of structural stigma according to gays. Gays say this label sexual minorities as different and deny them legal, financial, health, and other benefits that are associated with marriage. But this form of argument is also false. Replace the word gay with adulterer. Adulterers demanding recognition, status, legal standing and approval borders on the obvious - insane.

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