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Under pressure, Democrat Senator Mark Pryor refuses to endorse same-sex “marriage”

LITTLE ROCK, AR , April 12, 2013 ( LifeSiteNews ) – U.S. Senator Mark Pryor , D-AR, is so far bucking the trend of Democratic lawmakers jumping on board the pro-same-sex ‘marriage’ bandwagon.  Mark Pryor “I oppose same-sex marriage, and I’ve been very clear about that for a very long time,” the second-term senator  said  on a conference call with local reporters Wednesday. “That’s the way I will vote. If that’s what it comes down to, that’s where I am.” Currently, the Supreme Court is hearing arguments on whether or not the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which bans gay marriage on the federal level, should be struck down as unconstitutional.  Pryor says he believes DOMA to be legal, but acknowledges that if the Supreme Court decides otherwise, legislators will have to make some tough choices about expanding an already stretched federal budget to include benefits for same-sex couples.  “On the benefits issue, I said to ‘put me down in the undecided category,’” Pryor to