
Showing posts with the label homophobes

Scotland Government: the new bigot bullies

A new billboard campaign in Scotland is calling out “homophobes” and “transphobes,” focusing in particular on religious “bigots.” In reality, it is the billboard campaign that is fear-based and bigoted. One billboard reads : “Dear bigots, the division seems to be what you believe in. We don’t want your religious hate on our buses, on our streets, and in our communities. We don’t want you spreading your intolerance. Or making people’s lives a misery because of their religious dress. You may not have faith in respect and love, but we do. That’s why if we see or hear your hate, we’re reporting you. End of sermon. Yours, Scotland.” Another reads : “Dear transphobes, do you think it’s right to harass people in the street? Right to push transgender people around in clubs? Right to humiliate, intimidate and threaten them online? Well, we don’t. That’s why if we see you doing harm, we’re reporting you. We believe people should be allowed to be themselves. Except if they’re spreading hate. You

Australia: Labor leader Mr. Shorten calls Christians - homophobes

Australia: Federal Opposition Leader Bill Shorten should stop smearing supporters of the people's vote on marriage as "homophobes". If you object to homosexual marriage you are branded - bigot, backward, hater, homophobe...on and on. Australian Christian Lobby Managing Director Lyle Shelton said Mr Shorten's backflip on supporting a people's vote meant he could not have it both ways. "Was Mr Shorten a homophobe three years ago when he told an ACL election forum he supported a plebiscite? "The use of bullying language to demonise people who simply wish to preserve the definition of marriage must stop,” Mr Shelton said. "If there is homophobic or bigoted language being used in the marriage debate, Mr Shorten should give examples. “All of us deplore phobia against our fellow citizens. However, smearing people as bigots with unspecified allegations simply creates a climate of intimidation designed to silence one side of the debate. "Advocating