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What Caused Me to Have SSA? Part 1 – The Role of Sensitivity

Image via Wikipedia The Role of Sensitivity Introduction Is there any male out there who has struggled with unwanted same-sex attractions who has   not  wondered,  “How did this become a part of  me ?”  Didn’t think so.  Indeed, that question haunted me for years and years. Let me immediately give you the answer you have longed to learn:   no one knows! There … are you satisfied?  Didn’t think so. Unfortunately, that  is  the answer.  Despite centuries of attempts to learn, neither the Bible nor science has given the individual man his answer.  Thus, whenever you hear a counselor or researcher or pastor pronounce with certainty as to what causes homosexuality – beware.  Oh sure, there are a lot of theories that claim to know  the answer.  They don’t. However, while we can never be  absolutely  certain  of what caused our same-sex attractions, there does seem to be some factors that contribute to it for many males.  How many of these factors apply to you, well, I will let you decid