
Showing posts with the label SSA

Spanish bishop publishes ex-gay testimonies on diocesan website after attacks from homosexual groups

Juan Antonio Reig Plà, the Catholic bishop of the Spanish diocese of Alcalá De Henares , has responded to recent attacks by homosexual groups by posting testimonies on his website of individuals who rejoice in their abandonment of the homosexual lifestyle . “I want to thank especially those who feel, or have felt, Same-Sex Attraction (SSA), and have seen fit to send me your testimonies; more than one hundred of you have written your experiences up to now,” writes Reig Plà. “I must thank you because I have seen in them the hand of God and I have learned much from your suffering and your hopes.” Bishop Juan Antonio Reig Plà He adds that those who have written “are collaborating in this way to break the barrier of silence regarding the possibility of change for those who freely wish to do so, and that’s why it’s important to publish and spread them!” The letters were published following  a controversy  created by a sermon given by Reig Plà on Good Friday , in which he compared the mi

Life after lesbianism

This article is a follow-up to Dawn Wilde’s  Confessions of a Recovering Lesbian . It was first printed at  and is reprinted with permission. In January,  I wrote  about my struggles with same-sex attraction ( SSA ), while living out my vocation as a Catholic wife and mother. The article was picked up by several Catholic websites and secular blogs. I wrote the article anonymously and considering the vitriol of the comments that followed, I’m glad I did. Especially after reading one man’s enraged, sentence-by-sentence dissection of the piece on a site called Face Punch. There seemed to be three main objections to my testimony: 1. I’m not a “real” lesbian so I shouldn’t be calling myself one; 2. I’m living a false, inauthentic life that’s unfair to my husband and children and that’s bound to self-destruct; and 3. I’m harming people who struggle with SSA by suggesting they can overcome their sexual orientation. I was struck by how important labels are to people. At

Why homosexuals think they are hated

Pope Benedict XVI (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) April 12, 2012 ( ) - Pope Benedict XVI and others have recently drawn attention to the fact that simply putting forward the Church’s unchanging teachings on marriage and sexual morality puts a person in the position of being accused of “hate.” In particular, GLBT (gay lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered) activists are demanding that Catholics and those of other religions change 4,000-year-old teachings about marriage and sexual morality. When believers answer that they are not authorized to make such changes in what God has revealed, the GLBT activists accuse them of “hate,” even going so far as to charge them with “ hate crimes .” It doesn’t matter how gently the words are spoken or how carefully the message is phrased, the GLBT activists only hear “hate.” Although there is no one cause for same-sex attraction ( SSA ), in many instances it can be linked to childhood gender identity disorder — the failure to identif

What Caused Me to Have SSA? Part 4 – The Role of Puberty

Image via Wikipedia The Role of Puberty Introduction Here’s an obvious fact for males :  puberty dramatically changes us!  If being born with extra “sensitivity” is arguably the most important factor in what initially creates a male’s same-sex  attractions  (SSA) [refer to my Part 1 of this series], then what happens in puberty may “pour the cement” for the foundation of a man’s future sexual identity and addiction.  Let’s see how. Discussion Brain and Body Development.  Research by psychoanalyst Sander Breiner, M.D., [cited in NARTH Bulletin; Vol 15, No 2; Winter 2007] reports that when a pubescent male experiences doubts about his sexual attractions , body appearance, and sexual capacities, these stressors may actually  harm his brain development .  Many experts agree that the brain is in a state of constant change during puberty.  According to Goldman-Rakic & colleagues in their handbook on the neurobiology of cognitive development, certain brain regions can become dysfunctio

Born gay: NO Way!

Image via Wikipedia Author: Dale Oleary Refuting the Distortions Promoted by the GLBTQ Activists Distortion #1: Persons with SSA are born that way In 1995 the  Journal of Homosexuality   published two double issues [1]  in which a number of authors reviewed various theories suggesting a biological causation for SSA – genetic, hormonal, brain structure, sociobiological. The conclusion of the editors: “Current research into possible biological bases of sexual preference has failed to produce any conclusive evidence.” [2]  The National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH) home page offers a number of articles which latest claims for the “Born that Way” theory. [3] Supporters of the “born-that-way” theory frequently cite a 1993 study by Dean Hamer and associates who claimed to have found a “gay gene.” [4]   However, other scientists have failed to duplicate their results. [5]  And a genome wide study of 465 individuals by Mustanski and associates found no genet

The Gay Myth: Born this way can't change

Image via Wikipedia by Dale O'Leary Refuting the Distortions of the GLBTQ Activists Distortion #2:  Persons with SSA can’t change In 2003 Dr. Robert Spitzer , who had thirty years before been instrumental in the decision of the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality from the  Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the APA,  published a study of 200 men and women who had undergone therapy for SSA and reported change in their pattern of sexual attraction. At the time a major initiative had been launched by pro-SSA mental health professionals to ban therapy directed to changing SSA. Spitzer conducted phone interviews with 200 persons who had been in treatment for SSA. He concluded that although not all successfully became functioning heterosexuals, some did and the rest felt the therapy had benefited them. [1]  The study was not designed to discover the percentage of those in therapy who experience a real change, only if anyone in therapy experienced a change of o