
Showing posts with the label Dakota

Student suspended: for saying Homosexuality is wrong

Students are getting suspended for standing up for traditional marriage. Bullied. People are getting fired and put on leave from their jobs. Business owners are getting sued. Professional licenses are being revoked. Christian service agencies are being forcibly shut down. This is not a live-and-let-live proposition. No, this is an all-out assault on our sacred religious and constitutional values . . . and we can't afford to lose! Please,  click here  to watch latest video chronicling the victims of the intolerance of those pushing a same-sex marriage agenda. Dakota was suspended from school for answering a friend's question about Christianity 's teaching on homosexuality! The teacher prior had put a poster on the wall of two men kissing Related articles Anglican Pastors and same sex attraction ( Does love the homosexual, hate homosexual sin work? ( Homosexuality, Christianity, and S

School apologizes after student suspended for saying homosexuality wrong

FORT WORTH, Texas , October 11, 2011 - The Texas school where a teen was punished for saying homosexuality was wrong has apologized and stated the boy “has the right to express an opinion in a manner consistent with law and policy.” The Fort Worth Independent School District has issued a letter fully vindicating high school freshman Dakota Ary, who was given in-school suspension for telling another student that he believes homosexuality is wrong because of his Christian faith . Dakota Ary The school’s letter is in response to a letter from the Christian legal organization Liberty Counsel , which is representing Dakota, requesting full vindication and a full retraction of the suspension. The district’s letter will be placed in Dakota’s permanent file to further clear his record. The controversy surrounded an incident that happened when Dakota was in Kristopher Franks ’ German language class at Western Hills High School and the topic of homosexuality arose. Dakota said to one of his