
Showing posts with the label girls

Female students rebel against transgender bathrooms, refuse to use same facilities as boys

Over and over again, we are told by LGBT activists that our schools must be transformed for the children. The massive changes to the curriculums, the transgender bathrooms, the revolutionary new ideologies—we are told that these are simply responses to the grassroots demands of parents and students, who have independently discovered that the way we understood the world for the entire history of Western civilization is, apparently, both hateful and inaccurate. But nobody appears to have actually asked the students what they want. These policies are justified on the basis that the children need them, but in many instances, the precise opposite turns out to be the case. When one school in Alberta decided to bring in gender-neutral bathrooms back in 2017, many students avoided them because, as any idiot knows, boys and girls generally feel uncomfortable doing their business in a stall next to a member of the opposite sex. Lineups began to form outside the gender-specific bathrooms, and s

Free Speech Bus

The truth of gender is that it is determined by biology, not feelings, emotions or politics. Nobody can change their gender. Individuals have the right to live their private life as they wish, but they do not have the right to force their views on the nation via laws and regulations, nor do they have the right to characterize as discrimination or bigotry the views of people who will not agree that gender is based on something like politics, emotions or desires. A key point of our #FreeSpeechBus tour is to demand that respect be shown to all sides so that a civic debate can be had. We want Americans to learn about the scientific truth of gender – that there is no scientific evidence that anybody can be 'trapped in the wrong body' and that as many as 98% of kids who suffer from gender confusion will outgrow it and come to accept their true gender by the time they complete puberty. But our opponents do not want to discuss the facts – they want to characterize the facts