
Showing posts with the label Ethiopian eunuch

Can Matthew 19:12 be interpreted to support transexuality?

The baptism of the eunuch by Rembrandt, 1626, depicting Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) This article by Lisa Salazar  a man now a woman bases his arguments on jesus's statements on Matthew 19 where scripture states that there are people born as eunuchs , that is, they lack sexual potency from birth. Others lose their sexual capability as a result of human intervention, such as castration. Both conditions are exceptions to nature. members of the third group of people are eunuchs in the spiritual sense.  They have the gift of being able (by the Lord) not only to subordinate their sexual desires (strong moral resolve) to the demands of spiritual life, but they also deny themselves matrimony in order to devote themselves entirely to working for the Kingdom of God . This scripture refers only to men, and these men never enter marriage or a civil union and are never transexual in any way. This must not be pressed too far (as Lisa Salazar has done