
Showing posts with the label United State

Leading Rabbi ‘mortified’ after Biden praises Jews’ ‘immense influence’ in promoting gay ‘marriage’

A leading Rabbi says he is furious after Vice President Joseph Biden   credited  Jewish leaders last week for the success of same-sex ‘marriage’ in America . “The Jewish people have contributed greatly to America. No group has had such an outsized influence per capita as all of you standing before you,” Biden said last Tuesday night at a reception hosted by the Democratic National Committee in honor of Jewish American Heritage Month .  Rabbi Yehuda Levin Biden offered praise for Jewish cultural and artistic “movements in America” that he said were responsible for changing the country’s attitudes on marriage.  “I bet you 85 percent of those changes, whether it’s in Hollywood or social media are a consequence of Jewish leaders in the industry. The influence is immense, the influence is immense. And, I might add, it is all to the good,” he said.  Biden’s comments have caused outrage.  “I’m mortified, I’m absolutely mortified,” said Rabbi Yehuda Levin, spokesman for the U

Aussie Communists: ‘Strike blows’ against the Church and capitalism with same-sex ‘marriage’

AUSTRALIA,  The Communist Party of Australia has weighed in on that nation’s debate over marriage, stating that redefining the age-old institution is a vital pillar of the Marxist war against capitalism and the Church. Karl Marx , the founder of Communism An editoria l in  The Guardian , the official newspaper of the Communist Party of Australia, states that marriage arose out of private ownership, especially the need to inherit great estates.  Since the priesthood is “a pillar of capitalism,” the “church sees marriage - as it defines it - as an institution vital to its continued power, indeed to capitalism itself.” “If you strike blows against that pillar, challenging that power, there will be a reaction, as there is, from the Vatican,” and other “pious hypocrites,” the editorial declares. Dr. Paul Kengor, a of political science at Grove City College , wrote in a   recent column , “The root of the [Communists’ support for redefining marriage], once again, is the Marxist/

The horror of

The 1948 first edition of Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, the first of the two Kinsey reports. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. (1:26–27) For this reason, Paul declares-that is, because of man’s rejecting the true God for false gods of his own making, for worshiping the creature rather than the Creator-God gave them over to degrading passions. For the second time (see v. 24) the apostle mentions God’s abandonment of sinful mankind. He abandoned them not only to idolatry, the ultimate sexual expression of man’s spiritual degeneracy, but also to degrading passions, which he identifies in these two verses as homosexuality, the u

Colombia’s Constitutional Court gives custody of two boys to American homosexual

Coat of arms of Republic of Colombia. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) May 24, 2012 ( - The Colombian government has lost a battle in the country’s ultraliberal Constitutional Court to protect two Colombian children from adoption by an American homosexual activist. The Court has granted custody of two boys, ages 11 and 13 to Chandler Burr , a former perfume critic for the New York Times who is famous for promoting the claim that homosexuality is an inborn trait, an idea contradicted by numerous studies and regarded as unproven by many researchers. Burr’s s attempt to adopt the two Colombian children   ran into trouble   when authorities discovered his homosexuality, which was not revealed to them during the adoption process.  Colombia ’s General Procurator has declared its intention to ask for a nullification of the ruling, on the grounds that it violates the fundamental rights of children , and ignores the Constitutional principle that a family can only

Intolerant Homosexual Activism

English: State seal of North Carolina (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The bile being spat at the people of North Carolina exposes the ugly elitism of the gay-marriage lobby. This orgy of bile, from the mainstream branding of North Carolina's voters as 'ignorant' to the peripheral demands that they do the world a favour and kill themselves, shows what is behind the gay-marriage campaign. This is not about rights and equality, or love and happiness. Rather, gay marriage has become a tool through which the right-minded sections of society express their moral superiority over the dumb, the brainwashed, the insufficiently cosmopolitan, the churchgoing. Gay marriage has become a kind of weapon, wielded by the right-on to demonstrate that they are better—that is, less brainwashed and more caring—than your average redneck or country black. Supporting gay marriage has become a kind of cultural signifier, a way of distinguishing oneself from the ignorant throng. Given all thi

44 Percent of Americans Believe Homosexuality Is a Sin, Survey Says

A new survey conducted by LifeWay Research finds that 44 percent of Americans believe homosexuality is a sin . Meanwhile, 43 percent believe it is not, and 13 percent are not sure. The survey, conducted among a random sampling of 2,144 adult Americans, asked the question: ""Do you believe homosexual behavior is a sin?" Results indicate that gender, education, church attendance, and religious affiliation affect one's views. According to the survey, 47 percent of men believe homosexuality is a sin while 40 percent of women believe the same. Seventy-one percent of those who attend a church service once weekly or more believe it is a sin, compared to a mere 8 percent who never attend a church service. Thirty-five percent of those with a college degree consider homosexuality to be a sin, compared to 49 percent who do not have a college degree. Among evangelical, fundamentalist or born again Christians , 82 percent say homosexuality is a sin while only 14 percent sa

Gay marriage advocates want to change marriage completely

Image via Wikipedia This is the article from Beyond Marriage, a group who want to destroy the concept of historic marriage. WARNING: THIS IS THE FUTURE IF WE DON'T ACT NOW! "The time has come to reframe the narrow terms of the marriage debate in the United States . Conservatives are seeking to enshrine discrimination in the U.S. Constitution through the Federal Marriage Amendment .  But their opposition to same-sex marriage is only one part of a broader pro-marriage, “family values” agenda that includes abstinence-only sex education, stringent divorce laws, coercive marriage promotion policies directed toward women on welfare, and attacks on reproductive freedom. Moreover, a thirty-year political assault on the social safety net has left households with more burdens and constraints and fewer resources. Meanwhile, the LGBT movement has recently focused on marriage equality as a stand-alone issue. While this strategy may secure rights and benefits for some LGBT

Ann Coulter Blasts Same-Sex “Marriage”

Image via Wikipedia Conservative commentator Ann Coulter stayed true to her reputation for courting controversy during an address to homosexual conservatives in New York on Saturday, telling them that they did not need special rights and that marriage was the union of a man and a woman. According to reports, Coulter charmed her audience of 150 at the HomoCon fundraiser for GOProud with a number of jokes, admitting that it must have been difficult to come out of the closet and tell their parents that they were conservatives. But then the outspoken pundit said to her audience, “I should warn you: I've never failed to talk gays out of gay marriage." Talking Points Memo reported that Coulter explained to the crowd that she supports marriage as the union of a man and a woman, because the institution is fundamentally about the procreation of children. Coulter then stated frankly that keeping marriage defined and restricted to heterosexual couples does not violate homosexual