
Showing posts with the label Bernardi

Homosexual zealots claim tolerance but attack Cory Bernardi's book 'Conservative Revolution"

"We know the statistics - that children who grow up without a father are five times more likely to live in poverty and commit crime, nine times more likely to drop out of schools and 20 times more likely to end up in prison. They are more likely to have behavioural problems, or run away from home, or become teenage parents themselves. And the foundations of our community are weaker because of it.'' - President Barack Obama , Father's Day speech, 2008. Yes, we do know the statistics. But that hasn't stopped an avalanche of hate - and I use the word advisedly - being unleashed against Cory Bernardi for quoting and echoing the sentiments of Obama in his book  The Conservative Revolution  (Connor Court 2013). The big whisper going around now about Bernardi is that he is gay. The preposterous logic goes like this: Bernardi hates gays, he is obsessed by the subject, which means he is probably a repressed, self-loathing homosexual. Under fire: Cory Bernardi. 

Warren Entsch supports immoral homosexuality

English: , Liberal Senator for South Australia (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Liberal MP Warren Entsch attacked Senator Cory Bernardi , saying he obsesses with gay people. Mr Entsch, a former parliamentary secretary and chief opposition whip, said he cringed when he heard the South Australian senator 's latest comments, in a new book by him and in a television interview on Monday, in which he accused some women of using abortion as ''an abhorrent form of birth control'' and railed against ''non-traditional'' family arrangements such as step-families, single-parent families and families with same-sex parents . Mr Entsch obviously appears to be happy when immorality is promoted and babies are aborted in their thousands? He cringes when truth and true moral values are stated. Listen to the logic and attack of a immoral homosexual supporter: Bernardi has an obsession with people that are gay Bernardi would sterilize his own gay child Biolog