
Showing posts with the label Tony Venn Brown

20 Bible statements on homosexuality in response to liberal pastors

The Destruction Of Sodom And Gomorrah THIS IS A RESPONSE TO BRAD CHILCOTT AND TONY VENN BROWN Old Testament Questions Creation 1. Does the Creation account of Genesis 1 preclude homosexuality when it presents God ’s design for the creation of man and woman in the “image and likeness” of God? The Revisionist Answer The Creation account is concerned solely with reproduction —multiplying and filling the earth. The design of the creation of human beings does not inherently oppose homosexuality as an identity for some people. The Biblical Answer Genesis 1:26–30 testifies that man and woman were made complementarily for each other; together they were made for God and form the image of God. Only the couple, man and woman together, reflects the totality of this divine image. A homosexual couple mirrors only themselves, two males or two females who come together (pp. 31). 2. Does the account of the purpose and plan for marriage in Genesis 2 exclude a homosex

Australia says no to Homosexual marriage

English: Kevin Rudd, 26th Prime Minister of Australia. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Opposition Leader Bill Shorten should have nothing to fear from the Australian people being allowed to have a say on changing the definition of marriage, according to the Australian Christian Lobby . ACL Managing Director Lyle Shelton said it was disappointing to see Mr Shorten impute improper motives to ACL for wishing to see the issue be decided by a vote of the people. Mr Shelton, who hosted Mr Shorten at the organisation's national conference last year, said that while disagreeing with him on marriage welcomed his call at the time for a respectful debate. "I believe we can continue to be respectful even though we are on different sides of this debate. "However, our preference for the Australian people to be given a say is of course motivated by our desire for there to be a fair and open public debate. People should not have to be afraid to speak because of fear of being labelled

Christian stabbed by Pro-LGBT woman

A policeman looks on as members of the Canadian Military march to the National War Memorial, during Remembrance Day ceremonies in Ottawa. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) OTTAWA, August 17, 2015 - A 26-year-old Mennonite missionary was violently stabbed in the back on Friday by a pro- LGBTQ woman who became aggressive after he shared with her his Christian beliefs regarding homosexuality. “The confrontation was about the idea of homosexuality…if that’s OK, if that’s acceptable, and whether God loves somebody who is in that state. And we assured her that he does,” said Eric Brubacher, a member of the Mennonite community who was present during the attack, to CTV. The unnamed victim was rushed to the hospital where he was treated for non-life threatening injuries and then released. The attacker fled the scene of the crime. The stabbing occurred in the Byward Market area three days prior to the opening of Ottawa ’s “ Pride Week ” where homosexuality is celebrated and promoted ope

Satan and Sodomy by John Piper

Gustave Doré, Depiction of Satan, the antagonist of John Milton's Paradise Lost c. 1866 (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The supernatural monster who orchestrates the kidnapping, enslaving, and thousand-fold drugging, selling, raping, and killing of girls around the globe, is the same one who has masterminded the murderous cultural delusion — from the highest court to the lowest porn-flick — that the practice of sodomy is delightful, not deadly. Among the several, carefully-chosen, understated, inflammatory words in that sentence, let’s start with “monster.” I’m talking about Satan . We do not feel what we ought to about this fiend. In Revelation 12:9 he is called “the great dragon that ancient serpent , who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world.” The scope and horror of this being is hinted at with images. He is not a mere garden snake. His tail sweeps down a third of the stars. He crouches at Bethlehem to devour the new-born Son of God (Revelation 12

There’s a new established religion nowadays: Christians can’t bow to it

It's almost become a part of the weekly news cycle: American citizens publicly tarred and feathered for professing their sincerely held religious beliefs. Just this month, we watched a family-owned pizzeria close its doors after its owners received hate mail and death threats from around the country. Their offense? Giving the wrong answer to a question about whether they'd cater a gay wedding. Keep in mind that the restaurant had never actually turned down a gay customer. They were hammered for holding the wrong beliefs about a hypothetical scenario! Major corporations are getting into the bullying act, as well. At least two state governments have now backed down or modified religious freedom legislation in response to pressure from companies like Walmart and Salesforce. Keep that in mind next time you think about shopping at Walmart. And this culture-wide search-and-destroy mission is only accelerating. As Princeton's Robby George  writes in First Things , acti