
Showing posts with the label Melissa McCarthy

Government punishes farmers for saying no to Gay marriage ceremony - Nazi re-eduation underway

"This is coercive big government run amok." That is the phrase  The Daily Signal  has used to describe  a recent bit of news  from New York state which represents only the latest act of bullying and intimidation by the same-sex marriage lobby against those of us who refuse to step in line with their radical ideology. This time, the victims of this discriminatory and bigoted targeting are a couple who rent out their family farm for wedding receptions, but who respectfully declined renting to a lesbian couple because they could not in sound conscience participate in such an event. To the Orwellian New York Human Rights Commission, however, this kind of conscientious dissent is  ungoodthink . The farm owners, Cynthia and Robert Gifford , are  being fined $13,000.00  for this malfeasance: $10,000 in civil damages to the State of New York and $1,500 to each of the two women of the couple denied services, for the "mental anguish" they have supposedly suffered