
Showing posts with the label Robert Sarah

Cardinal Sarah: Bishops, priests cannot shy away from ‘hard sayings’ on homosexuality

Cardinal Sarah, prefect of the Vatican’s Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments , issues both a stunning admonishment and an impassioned plea to his fellow bishops and priests in his foreward to  Why I Don’t Call Myself Gay .    He first delivers a strong rebuke calling attention to the fact that the Church teaches “ ... things in the Catechism about homosexuality that some members of the clergy choose not to quote, including the clear warning: ‘under no circumstances can [homosexual acts] be approved’ (CCC 2357). The respect and sensitivity to which the Catechism rightly calls us does not give us permission to deprive men and women who experience SSA (same-sex attraction) of the fullness of the Gospel. To omit the ‘hard sayings’ of Christ and his Church is not charity.” His warning about withholding the Gospel from those who deal with SSA comes at a critical moment in the life of the Church with the publication of Fr. James Martin’s new pro- L

Vatican prelate blasts UN demand to abolish all laws against homosexual activity

ROME , March 1, 2012 ( ) – The demand by the United Nations Secretary General that African countries abolish all legal prohibitions against homosexual activity has met with anger from one African Vatican prelate who said that it was “not our culture; it’s against our faith” to endorse homosexuality. At a Vatican meeting on Africa earlier this month, Cardinal Robert Sarah , the President of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum for Human and Christian Development, told the  National Catholic Register , ( NCR ) “African bishops must react” to the demand. Cardinal Robert Sarah He described the secretary general’s comments as “stupid” and added that the “Catholic bishops of America must help us in Africa, by reacting themselves.” “It’s not possible to impose on the poor this kind of European mentality,” he added. UN General Secretary Ban Ki-Moon had told an assembly in Addis Ababa that what he called discrimination against homosexuals “has been ignored or even sanctioned