
Showing posts with the label Mark Regnerus

Authors of study showing benefits of ‘gender-affirming’ treatment issue ‘correction,’ admit they’re wrong

The authors of a study who claimed “gender-reassignment” procedures brought mental health benefits issued a correction to their 2019 findings, admitting that those who have had “gender-reassignment” surgery “were more likely to be treated for anxiety disorders.” The study, published October 4, 2019 in the American Journal of Psychiatry, purported to show that “gender-affirmation” treatment improves transgender mental health . The study utilized data from the Swedish Total Population Register, with information from more than 9.7 million Swedes, or about 95 percent of the country. The claimed findings from the study led to headlines in mainstream media outlets proclaiming things like “Long-Term Mental Health Benefits of Gender-Affirming Surgery for Transgender Individuals” (American Psychiatric Association), “Sex-reassignment surgery yields long-term mental health benefits” (NBC News), and “Transgender surgery linked with better long-term mental health, study shows” (ABC News).  

Study On Homosexual Parents Tops All Previous Research

In a historic study of children raised by homosexual parents, sociologist Mark Regnerus of the University of Texas at Austin has overturned the conventional academic wisdom that such children suffer no disadvantages when compared to children raised by their married mother and father. Just published in the journal Social Science Research , [1] the most careful, rigorous, and methodologically sound study ever conducted on this issue found numerous and significant differences between these groups--with the outcomes for children of homosexuals rated "suboptimal" (Regnerus' word) in almost every category. The Debate Over Homosexual Parents In the larger cultural, political, and legal debates over homosexuality, one significant smaller debate has been over homosexual parents. Do children who are raised by homosexual parents or caregivers suffer disadvantages in comparison to children raised in other family structures--particularly children raised by a married mother and fa

AMA ignore significant homosexual parenting research - because of the results

Two of Australia 's leading medical groups have rubbished claims that children of same-sex marriage are worse off than heterosexual families,. The Australian Medical Association and the Australian Psychological Society said there was no scientific evidence  (note what they say NO evidence) that children of gay and lesbian parents had poorer outcomes than those with heterosexual parents. Ahead of the upcoming postal survey, conservatives have raised concerns over same-sex parenting, arguing that allowing same-sex marriage would license families they regard as sub-optimal. IS THIS TRUE? WHAT PEER-REVIEWED EVIDENCE? Dr Gannon stood by the AMA's statement in May that there was "no putative, peer-reviewed evidence to suggest that children raised in same-sex parented families suffer poorer health or psychosocial outcomes as a direct result of the sexual orientation of their parents or carers".  Most of these peer reviewed studies are paid for by homosexual lobby g

Christians who back gay ‘marriage’ tend to accept other sexual sins: researcher

English: Another version of the same-sex marriage map. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) A well-known sociological researcher has analyzed a massive study of American attitudes on culture and relationships and found that churchgoing Christians who say they support legalized same-sex “marriage” are more likely to support abortion, pornography, premarital sex , marital infidelity, and divorce as well. In light of the increasing number of mainline Protestant denominations choosing to ordain homosexual clergy and give their blessings to same-sex unions, Austin Institute sociologist Mark Regnerus wanted to know: “What is the sexual and relational morality of Christians who accept the moral legitimacy of same-sex marriages . … What exactly do pro-same-sex-marriage Christians think about sex and relationships in general?” Using data from the Austin Institute’s “ Relationships in America ” study, Regnerus analyzed regular churchgoers, defined as those who reported attending religi

Homosexual advocates tell lies all the time to smear people who disagree with their agenda

I am going to break two of my own sacred rules right now. One rule, which I decreed a year ago, was never to to do end-of-year posts. They can be trite and annoying. Anyway the events summarized are still fairly fresh in our memory, so the first reaction is often, "what else is new?" The second rule is that I don't respond to Snarky Gay Bloggers. There are so many of them. They say so many things that are untrue. For the most part they are uneducated savages who know very little beyond what they find on the first two pages of a Google search. And generally they have no lives aside from revisiting the high school emotional manipulations that left them wounded, only this time, with them in the position of the Mean Girls , shielded by their pseudonyms and Internet anonymity . I don't respond to them typically, because I honestly don't have time. I teach a full load as a professor and spend a lot of my writing time collating information about children's rights. I

Scientist in lab coats say kids in homosexual marriages are better than normal?

Gay Couple with child (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Especially distressing to some people was what they viewed as my abandoning Mark Regnerus, the Texas sociologist who was thoroughly defamed in a court decision written by an obviously unprofessional and biased judge. Let me clarify and respond here: First, Mark Regnerus's work was exceedingly important and I do not endorse, nor do I deem acceptable, the attacks on him by people who have engaged in widespread academic negligence. Mark Regnerus, along wtih Loren Marks and Douglas Allen, played an important role in debunking a false and dangerous "consensus" that had been thrown around by gay rights advocates for twenty years. As I stated three months ago in this post , the legal arguments based on a "consensus" about same-sex parenting put forward by groups like the American Sociological Association and the American Psychiatric Association are critically deficient. The studies they cite do not meet the basic sta