
Showing posts with the label Professional association

Banning Conversion therapy reveals homosexual agenda

Britain's biggest professional body for psychotherapists has told members it is unethical for them to attempt to ''convert'' gay people to being heterosexual , formalising a policy change long demanded by homosexual activists groups. The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy has written to its near-30,000 members about the new guidelines. The letter says the association ''opposes any psychological treatment such as 'reparative' or 'conversion' therapy which is based upon the assumption that homosexuality is a mental disorder , or based on the premise that the client/patient should change his/her sexuality''. It said it recognises the secular pro homosexual World Health Organisation policy which says such therapies may cause harm to health to those who demand their homsexuality be recognized and affirmed. The statement adhereing to the pro-homosexual postion ends: ''There is no scientific, rational or ethic