
Showing posts with the label Charles Darwin

Homosexuality is normal so it should not be considered wrong

English: DIGNITY & RESPECT (2001) is a U.S. Army training guide on the homosexual conduct policy. PROBLEMS DEALT WITH: Homosexual conduct, evidence gathering and credible witnesses, admission of guilt, harassment, and additional army resources. This page deals with assessing what is credible information when someone is suspected of homosexuality. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) This objection is commonly raised in support of homosexuality.  Of course, what is normal is rarely ever defined but instead is bantered about and offered as a reason for justifying homosexual activity . First of all, "normal" is defined as . . . "conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal; regular; natural." "approximately average in any psychological trait , as intelligence, personality, or emotional adjustment." b. free from any mental disorder ; sane. " Conforming with, adhering to, or co

Transgender politics and gender identity confusion and madness

California has just passed a new law saying school districts may not bar transgender students from same-sex settings, like men's basketball teams or women's locker rooms ( Assembly Bill 1266 ). Opponents promptly submitted a  referendum to overturn the law. But it will take more than the usual political activism to stop the momentum on what some are calling the next major drive for "equality." It will take a serious, sustained program of education in both scientific facts and real respect. Every law has an implicit worldview, a set of assumptions that justifies it. The worldview implicit in the transgender movement is that our physical bodies have no particular value -- that our biology is irrelevant to who we are as persons. Consider the language used. Several states and school districts have passed laws on “transgender discrimination,” and most read something like this (from a 2011 California law ): "Gender . . . includes a person's gender identity and