
Showing posts with the label NFSS

Children of Homosexual couples suffer

Gay Couple with child (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) If you want to know how University of Texas sociologist Mark Regnerus's summer has gone, look no further than The Weekly Standard . On the cover of the conservative magazine's July 30 issue are two hooded henchmen impishly turning the gears on a medieval torture wheel holding Regnerus, sweating beads as he tries to stay in one piece. The cover copy—"Revenge of the Sociologists : The perils of politically incorrect academic research"—hints at the situation sparked by the publication of Regnerus's newest research as well as the broader political discourse over same-sex marriage. The survey, known as the New Family Structures Study (NFSS), is remarkable in its scope. It's a random national sample, considered "the gold standard" of social science surveys. NFSS measures the economic, relational, political, and psychological effects on adults ages 18 to 39 who grew up in families where the father or mot

The risk of children of homosexual parents

Gay Couple with child (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Misty Irons. If you're a straight Christian, you may soon be hearing about an exciting new study conducted by the New Family Structures Study (NFSS), headed up by someone named Mark Regnerus. This study concludes that the children of gay parents turn out to have more problems in their adult life than children raised by heterosexual parents in stable, traditional households. These results supposedly fly in the face of many previous studies that have been done, which have concluded that children raised by gay couples turn out no differently than those raised by heterosexual parents. In a more accessible summary of the NFSS findings, Mark Regnerus reports the following: On 25 of 40 different outcomes evaluated, the children of women who've had same-sex relationships fare quite differently than those in stable, biologically-intact mom-and-pop families . . . . Respondents were more apt to report being unemployed, less healthy,

Homosexuals ignore NFSS study adult children of gay fathers and lesbian mothers had inferior economic, education, social and psychological outcomes than children who were raised in intact biological families

NFSS study found:  adult children of gay fathers and lesbian mothers had inferior economic, education, social and psychological outcomes than children who were raised in intact biological families . The New Family Structures Study (NFSS) is a new social-science data-collection project whose survey gathered data from a large and random sample of American young adults (ages 18–39) who were raised in different types of family arrangements (including cohabiting parents, adoptive, step, same-sex parents, and single parents). The data include 2,500 cases (so far), with oversamples of young adults who report being adopted and those who report a parent in a same-sex romantic relationship. The NFSS should enable scholars to compare how young adults from—and currently living in—different family structures fare on a variety of social, emotional, and relational outcomes. Outcomes of particular interest include social behaviors (like educational performance, work history, and risk-taking), healt