
Showing posts with the label gay kids

Homosexual Peer Review studies just Gay ideology

Retraction Watch , which as the name suggests, reports on egregiously erroneous research findings when publishers are embarrassedly forced to renounce them. So it is with  the American Journal of Political Science , which recently retracted a 2012 research report titled “ Personality Traits and Political Ideologies .” Its authors claimed to have established that the more psychotic a person is, the more likely he is to be conservative politically. Oops, sorry, it only took the researchers four years to notice they had it exactly backwards. They  meant to say that it was liberals who were likelier to be psychotic. No harm done, though. The Center for Open Science in Charlottesville, Virginia , in what it called the Reproducibility Project , tried to replicate 100 psychological studies but got the same results as the originals only 40% of the time. In other words, 60% were a waste of time. Other research into research itself indicates the hard sciences are just as problematic i

Children of Homosexual parents disadvantaged - study

In a historic study of children raised by homosexual parents, sociologist Mark Regnerus of the University of Texas at Austin has overturned the conventional academic wisdom that such children suffer no disadvantages when compared to children raised by their married mother and father. Just published in the journal  Social Science Research , [1] the most careful, rigorous, and methodologically sound study ever conducted on this issue found numerous and significant differences between these groups--with the outcomes for children of homosexuals rated "suboptimal" (Regnerus' word) in almost every category. The Debate Over Homosexual Parents In the larger cultural, political, and legal debates over homosexuality, one significant smaller debate has been over homosexual parents. Do children who are raised by homosexual parents or caregivers suffer disadvantages in comparison to children raised in other family structures--particularly children raised by a married mothe

Small homosexual study says kids raised by homosexuals better

The rainbow lobby's narrative, heard all too frequently in Australia, that children raised by same-sex couples end up being no worse off than those from opposite-sex parents has been challenged in a new USA study. The study, by Paul Sullins, found that children raised by same-sex couples had a higher depression rate in early adulthood. Coupled with a more frequent history of abuse victimisation, parental distance, and obesity, the study casts serious doubt over the frequent claim that children are unaffected by the type of relationship their parents have. While there have already been dozens of studies alleging “no differences” in outcomes between children raised by same-sex parents and those raised by opposite-sex parents, this new study will be a challenge for the rainbow lobby driving the push for redefining marriage in Australia to brush off. This new study, titled Invisible Victims: Delayed Onset Depression among Adults with Same-Sex Parents, looked at outcomes over a sign

What to do when your kids says they are gay

For many decades now, ministries like ours have been helping those who struggle with homosexuality. The fruit of such ministry for us has been the publishing of several books, ten years of weekly television programming and the release of an award-winning documentary . But through all the years, one population has stood out as having very little help indeed: those with a gay loved one. Recently, we released a documentary film just for them, which I commend to every Christian leader as well as to those who have such a loved one or suspect that they do. The culture is brimming with inaccurate information on this subject, so allow me to share with you some of the more important points made in the film before inviting you to watch it for yourself. The biggest problem that we see in ministry is parents who have one or more children who are homosexual. We recently interviewed a young man with an attitude who came out to his parents by saying: "I'm gay, I'm HIV positive: How d