
Showing posts with the label Major depressive disorder

Allstate video glorifying same-sex parenting sparks backlash

The Allstate insurance company 's feel-good video promoting two homosexual dads has prompted the conservative Christian American Family Association to start a campaign accusing the firm of "promoting a lifestyle that puts children at risk." The AFA has already gathered 33,551 signatures on a petition to Allstate that reads in part, "Two men cannot replace the emotional nurture that only a mother can provide to a child. Studies show that children raised in homosexual environments tend to struggle emotionally, are highly susceptible to drug and alcohol abuse and suffer severe depression as young adults." Objections from Canadian viewers of the video drew this response from  the insurer's "head office": Allstate's commitment to inclusive diversity influences how we do business. It helps us connect with our customers and each other. Allstate is proud to support the LGBT community as we strive to provide the best products and servi

The transgender suicide epidemic: is accepting their confusion really the answer?

People who suffer from gender confusion are encouraged by the current cultural climate to "be themselves," meaning reject the gender they were born with. "Transgender" teens are taught that what they feel is who they are and that to be happy and fulfilled, they must become the opposite sex. When Bruce Jenner decided to publicly look like a woman, he was supported by the mass media . Even the president of the United States , when Jenner decided to have castration surgery, applauded him as a "courageous" hero. But studies repeatedly show that "transgender" people who seek to become the opposite sex are in fact not happy or fulfilled. In fact, a life-or-death internal war is continually going on within, to the degree that many, if not most, seek to end their lives. That's what the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and the Williams Institute found when the foundation analyzed results from the National Transgender Discrimin

Dutch study shows Gay depressed even in an open and tolerant community

Image via Wikipedia FOR A LARGE part of the past century, homosexuality itself was   seen as a mental disorder . In 1973, the American Psychiatric   Association removed homosexuality from its list of mental disorders .   This removal came about because of support from research findings 1 ,   2 ,  3 ,  4  and as a result of a persistent plea by both professionals   and activists. 5 In response to the former psychiatric stigmatization of homosexuality and   ideologically inspired by a social movement aiming to achieve   greater acceptance of homosexual people, some authors subsequently   stressed the equality in mental health status of homosexual   and heterosexual people. 6 ,  7  Others suggested that the mental   health status of homosexual people might be impaired owing to   various stresses, either temporary or in specific subgroups. 8   Some authors expected an upsurge in suicidal behaviors, especially   in adolescence and young adulthood, as a consequence of the   stresses expe

LGB Teens 5 times more likely to Attempt Suicide

Image via Wikipedia A study published in Pediatrics this week claimed to have found a link between a negative ‘social environment’ and suicide attempts among lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth. [1]  The headline of the news feed from Reuters read “ Social environment linked to gay teen suicide risk” [2]  The first line more accurately reflected the content of the study: “Lesbian, gay and bisexual teens are five times more likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual peers – but those living in a supportive community might be a little better off…” The headline could have more accurately read “LGB Teens 5 times more likely to attempt suicide, whether they live in communities with positive or negative attitudes to homosexuality.” The study found that 21.5% of LGB teens (vrs. 4.2% of heterosexual teens) surveyed in the Oregon Youth Risk Behavior Survey reported a suicide attempt. The authors attempted to link these suicides to community attitudes in the counties where the teens live

Gays can't change myth

Refuting the Distortions of the GLBTQ Activists Distortion #3: Persons with SSA are just as healthy as persons in husband/wife marriages. Contrary to the claims made by activists that persons with SSA are on average as psychological healthy as those without SSA (some of which reference a non-representative and poorly designed study of 30 men with SSA done in 1957), [1]  numerous recent, large, well-designed studies have found that persons with are far more likely to suffer from psychological disorders . [2]  depression, substance abuse problems, and suicidal ideation, than persons without SSA. The authors of these studies reached the following conclusions: “Gay/lesbian participants reported more acute mental health symptoms than heterosexual people and their general mental health also was poorer.” [3] “ Homosexual orientation , defined as having same-sex sexual partners, is associated with a general elevation of risk for anxiety, mood, and substance use disorders and for suicidal th