
Showing posts with the label Carl Jung

Homosexuals want to demean, sideline and then condemned to silence heterosexual marriage

Hakuna Matata, “don’t worry”: same-sex marriage will not harm ordinary marriage. But way back in 1970, the Gay Revolution Party Manifesto declared: “The gay revolution will produce a world in which all social and sensual relationships will be gay and in which homo- and heterosexuality will be incomprehensible terms.”  In other words, the biblical terms for the sexual binary (male/female) will have become “incomprehensible.” Impossible, you may say, but forty-two years later:· a gender-neutral pronoun has been proposed for use in Sweden’s public schools;· “M” and “F” are disappearing from birth certificates and passport applications in Western countries , and;· “parent A” and “parent B” are replacing mother and father. While some Christians downplay the discussion of sexuality in order to survive more comfortably in today’s context, pagans, on the contrary, see its immense importance. In the twentieth century, Carl Jung stated: “Sexuality is the sine qua non of

What Caused Me to Have SSA? Part 2 – The Role of Fathers and Mothers

Image via Wikipedia The Role of Fathers and Mothers Introduction Nature?  Nurture?  The debate about what causes same-sex attractions in males is endless – and so far, unresolved.  This much is true:   we simply do  not  know for certain what causes it! In the last issue of  “Counseling Insights” , I discussed how “sensitivity” seems to play an important role – one that may have existed from birth (i.e., “nature”).  While there is absolutely no evidence of a “gay gene” that automatically makes males develop same-sex attractions ( SSA ), many such males express that they  “have always been extra sensitive”  (i.e., extra sensitive to physical aggression, to verbal critique from authority figures, and to the creative senses).  But is there a  developmental  (i.e., “nurture”) explanation of why young males might become extra sensitive?  Those who ascribe to “psychoanalytic theories” believe there is. Discussion By now, you have heard it stated thousands of times:  “ male homosexuality i