
Showing posts with the label American Civil War

Transgenderism a thought experiment - gone bad

A recent  piece  in  The Federalist  by Stella Morabito captures some of the political and statistical realities surrounding transgenderism.  The ease with which societal elites in academia, medicine, and Hollywood sanction a child's war against his own body and call it healthy, normal, or something to celebrate has its foundation in the contraceptive revolution of our culture.  Women were told that the very thing that most marks them as a woman, their wondrous reproductive systems, their fertility, is their enemy.  If only they can break free from the tyranny of their own bodies, they will be free.  But we cannot break free from our bodies without further destruction. Hormonal contraception has brought us all kinds of "liberation" - cancer, unintended miscarriages, the masking of symptoms of reproductive disease until it may be too late to treat or mitigate, changes to our pheromone profile that attract and repel different types of sexual mates, the commodification

Homosexual Marriage Zealots and immoral Government

They say that too often people don't value something until it's in danger of being taken away. But the flip-side of this is the blessing of renewed appreciation for the things we hold dear when we face the task of defending them from attack. While it is a sad and worrisome thing to witness how the definition of marriage has come under attack for over a decade now, this has also made more people reflect on the meaning of this ancient institution that we always took for granted. One recent remarkable reflection of this sort comes from a gay journalist in Ireland who wrote  a very strong piece  about why he opposes same-sex marriage: Same Sex Marriage [sic] is not some warm fluffy equality bunny, it's a bare-faced state power grab. The state gets to entirely remake marriage, not as the man/woman/child model we've inherited from 10,000 years of history and across all cultures but as an anything-goes irrelevant partnership agreement between adults. Only a man and

Christian politician misrepresent bible slavery and supports homosexual sin

Last night,  on a serious Australian current affairs program, Q&A , our current serving Prime Minister, a self-professed Christian, grossly caricatured the Bible . A pastor questioned the PM’s change of mind on same-sex marriage, pointing out that Jesus says, “A man shall leave his father and mother and be married”—summarising  Matthew 19:4-6 —and asked why someone calling himself a Christian does not believe the words of Jesus in the Bible. The PM replied, “Well if I was going to have that view, the Bible also says that slavery is a natural condition.” This received the most enormous applause of the night, which incidentally seems to indicate both the depth of biblical illiteracy and the hostility to Christian morality . As justification, the PM went on to refer to Paul’s instructions—delivered in both  Ephesians 6:5  and  Colossians 3:22 —for slaves to be obedient to their masters. And he suggested on this basis, “we should have all fought for the Confederacy in th