
Showing posts with the label Research

Forcing same-sex ‘marriage’ on USA didn’t reduce teen suicides after all, study finds

For years, LGBT activists have asserted that society’s refusal to fully recognize homosexuality as indistinguishable from heterosexuality was a key contributor to suicide among young gay Americans, but a new study is challenging the notion that the advent of same-sex “marriage” reduced the suicide rate at all. D. Mark Anderson of Montana State University and the National Bureau of Economic Research, along with Kyutaro Matsuzawa and Joseph J. Sabia of San Diego State University’s Center for Health Economics & Policy Studies, released a paper this month analyzing data from State Youth Risk Behavior Surveys to “explore the relationship between marriage equality and suicidal behaviors among LGBQ-identifying youths.” Their conclusion: We find little evidence that SSM laws have reduced suicide attempts among teen sexual minorities, nor have they decreased the likelihood of suicide planning, suicide ideation, or depression.   Instead, we find some evidence that SSM legalizati

The American Psychological Association Says Born-That-Way-And-Can’t-Change Is Not True of Sexual Orientation And Gender Identity

In its “Series Preface,” the APA Handbook on Sexuality and Psychology (American Psychological Association, 2014) states, With the imprimatur of the largest scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the United States and the largest association of psychologists in the world, and with content edited and authored by some of its most respected members, the APA Handbooks in Psychology series will be the indispensable and authoritative reference resource to turn to for researchers, instructors, practitioners, and field leaders alike. (p. xvi). The American Psychological Association (APA) could not confer any higher authority on the APA Handbook of Sexuality and Psychology than it does, bestowing its “imprimatur” and calling it “authoritative.” In the APA Handbook, the American Psychological Association itself is now saying that born-that-way-and-can’t-change is not true. In addition, Dr Lisa Diamond , a self-avowed lesbian, is co-editor-in-chief

Small study suggests homosexual youngest boys maybe influenced by Mum

Scientists may have discovered why the more older brothers a boy has, the possibility he is to be gay as an adult. (Note the word: possibility because the study total was 142 Mums and 15% gay result....what does that say?) Known as the “ fraternal birth order effect ”, this study has attemped to find a correlation between the birth order of boys and male sexual orientation . DOES A PERSON NEED TO ACT ON THEIR DISPOSITION? One researcher say perhaps increasing levels of antibodies in a mother ’s immune system may play a role. Antibodies are proteins produced by the immune system to fight harmful bacteria and viruses. But pregnant women sometimes produce antibodies against fetal molecules, such as when their foetus has a different blood group. Anthony Bogaert, a professor in social psychology at Brock University , Canada , believes that some women who are pregnant with boys produce antibodies that neutralise a protein made by the Y chromosome; the DNA molecule that deter

How the ‘Catholic’ version of Ontario’s sex ed grooms kids for the Sexual Revolution: Grade 6 gays and lesbianism introduced as normal

Ontario ’s Liberal government paid $250,000 to have a Catholic educators’ organization attempt to reframe lesbian Premier Kathleen Wynne ’s   controversial sex-education program   so that it squares with Catholic teaching . But faithful Catholic parents scanning through the resources will likely be outraged — and even feel betrayed by Catholic leadership — over how much the resources deviate from authentic Catholic teaching. A Freedom of Information request earlier this month  found   that The Institute of Catholic Education (ICE), group of Catholic educators overseen by Ontario bishops, was paid the quarter-million dollars to develop materials to support staff in teaching the new expectations in the sex-ed curriculum as outlined by the government. The ministry has allowed Catholic schools to deliver the province’s sex-ed expectations through the schools’ already existing “ Fully Alive ” program. While there are smatterings of genuine Catholic content mixed throughout the