
Showing posts from 2013

The Bible slavery and homosexual argument

In the aftermath of President Obama’s announcement that he supports redefining marriage to include same-sex couples, many news outlets featured stories that compared the desire of gay couples for marriage to the plight of the American slaves . In fact, it became a common theme that black churches who opposed gay marriage were guilty of cultural and biblical hypocrisy. Many of these articles even expressly stated that the use of the Bible to limit marriage to heterosexual unions is tantamount to supporting the kidnapping, sale, and perpetual ownership of Africans as slaves. After all, some slave owners used the Bible to defend the institution of slavery, and some Americans are using the Bible to define marriage, so the similarities should be obvious. Here is an excerpt from one example, titled  “Is the black church guilty of spiritual hypocrisy in same-sex marriage debate?”  from CNN ’s religion blog: Why would the black church cite scripture to exclude gays when a simila

We disregard other bible commands why not disregard homosexual law?

The objection I want to address today basically boils down to this: “There are plenty other commands in Scripture that Christians don’t follow today, like the prohibition against mixing fabrics ( Lev 19:19 ) or eating shellfish ( Lev 11:10–12 ) and pork ( Lev 11:7–8 ). So why not one more?” Unbiblical Reasoning First, I just want to observe that this kind of reasoning is patently unbiblical. The argument concedes that the Bible does indeed condemn homosexuality. We’re not getting an argument from these folks on that. They’re just giving a reason for why we should ignore  more  of what the Bible clearly says. “We disobey God’s Word all over the place. Why should disobeying His commands against homosexuality be any different?” If you find yourself thinking this way, I just want to plead with you to realize that this is just not the way a Christian thinks about God’s Word. Someone who loves God in the Person of Jesus Christ does not look for ways to legitimize their disobedien

What is wrong with gays loving each other?

Today I want to address what I think is the most widespread objection in the entire discussion. I honestly think that this issue gets to the very heart of the disagreement. This goes deeper than just our views on homosexuality or the definition of marriage. It strikes at the very core of the worldview of contemporary wisdom. It has to do with the notion of love. The objection goes something like this: “In the midst of all of your attention to details of various Bible verses, you’ve lost the big picture. The cardinal virtue that Jesus taught His followers was  love . If you value love, what’s the problem with two consenting adults making a commitment to each other out of love? Love is love. To insist that homosexuality is sinful and to deny them the right to get married is simply not loving, and therefore not Christian .” So you see how the collective reasoning of the culture paints the Christian into a corner here. Any response which does not fully affirm homosexuality—no matte

Hate homosexual sin but love the homosexual?

The new normal is for homosexuals to announce their sexual identity , and then receive affirmation for their bravery, boldness, and honesty from their co-workers and clients. This puts Christians with secular jobs in a predicament. Most believers understand perfectly well the concept of hate the sin and love the sinner. But that concept is more and more being seen as inadequate simply because homosexuals often perceive their sexual orientation as their identity, thus rendering any attempt to love the sinner while hating the sin as contradictory. The difficulty is compounded for believers who work with, for, or around those who are openly homosexual. How should Christians respond to those in the work place who are homosexual? If you manage a company with homosexual employees, or if you have homosexual co-workers, how do you find the balance between hating the sin and loving the sinner? Here are six suggestions: 1)   Remember the gospel , which is another way of saying the

UK elections and homosexual marriage

Messing with Marriage while the Kids Rape Each Other -- Cameron Redefines England Almost exactly a year to the day after she announced the UK's LibLabCon covert three-way coalition's gay marriage legislative blitzkrieg, Tory Culture Secretary Maria Miller is at it again. Well she hasn't really stopped, since, as she says, she has been 'working hard'* to make this happen. Yes, she is bringing forward the first day on which two people of the same sex can mimic a marriage ceremony by a full three months to  March 29th 2014 , just before Easter.  Why the indecent hurry? Eagerness to satisfy cash rich gay Tory paymasters for sure, and maybe to bask in the glow of approval from their Labour and LibDem collaborators in the Westminster bubble as well. But the single overriding motive must be to get the media hype about this PR atrocity as far away from the May 2014 local council elections and 2015 general election as possible.  Here's a neutral take