
Showing posts with the label Judge Dianne Hensely

Texas Judge Dianne Hensely refuses to marry homosexuals on religious grounds

The left would like every American to accept their narrative that same-sex marriage is a done deal and has been fully embraced throughout society. Of course, that narrative is nonsense. A strong majority of voters made their views on same-sex marriage quite clear by going to the polls to ensure that marriage remained the union of one man and one woman. Even after the Supreme Court ruling in Obergefell v Hodges imposing gay ‘marriage’ on the nation, a majority of Americans still believe in traditional marriage. Further, there is overwhelming public support for the concept that no American should be forced to participate in a same-sex ceremony against their deeply held beliefs. In Waco, TX Judge Dianne Hensely has been admonished by the Texas State Commission on Judicial Conduct that she must officiate same-sex ‘weddings.’ Hensely is a devout Christian who according to media reports maintains that her Christian conscience and beliefs will not allow her to perform same-sex ‘weddings.’ Sh