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Same-sex marriage thought police?

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) activists would have us believe that the issue of marriage is about the "rights" and "equality" of homosexuals. But in reality, the push to redefine marriage is about demanding public approval and celebration of homosexuality. There is a difference. Slot machines are legal in some areas, but if the chief operating officer of Chick-fil-A had expressed a personal disapproval of gambling, would slot-machine supporters have demanded a boycott of his restaurants? What about smokers? Would they have lambasted Dan Cathy for expressing that he personally does not approve of smoking? No. Because at the end of the day, gamblers want the right to gamble, and smokers want the right to smoke cigarettes. Both groups, however, have accepted the fact that not everyone approves of their choice to do these things. But LGBT activists are not satisfied with being able to "love whomever they want."  California public schools h