
Showing posts with the label Brad Chilcott

20 Bible statements on homosexuality in response to liberal pastors

The Destruction Of Sodom And Gomorrah THIS IS A RESPONSE TO BRAD CHILCOTT AND TONY VENN BROWN Old Testament Questions Creation 1. Does the Creation account of Genesis 1 preclude homosexuality when it presents God ’s design for the creation of man and woman in the “image and likeness” of God? The Revisionist Answer The Creation account is concerned solely with reproduction —multiplying and filling the earth. The design of the creation of human beings does not inherently oppose homosexuality as an identity for some people. The Biblical Answer Genesis 1:26–30 testifies that man and woman were made complementarily for each other; together they were made for God and form the image of God. Only the couple, man and woman together, reflects the totality of this divine image. A homosexual couple mirrors only themselves, two males or two females who come together (pp. 31). 2. Does the account of the purpose and plan for marriage in Genesis 2 exclude a homosex

Australia: Response to Brad Chilcott - Homosexual, Women and Slaves and the Bible

BRAD CHILCOTT'S  ARGUMENT - BIBLE SUPPORTS HOMOSEXUAL CHURCH LEADERS "Two thousand years ago the Apostle Paul wrote that in Christ there is no male or female, slave or free, Jew or non-Jew. I wonder what social divides he would’ve included were he writing that letter to the church today.  Many churches are struggling with gender inequality, women are unable to preach or take senior leadership positions. Others have changed their interpretation of Scripture in this area and fully include women. Some denominations don’t let divorced people share in leadership and some rituals of the church, like communion.  Many, many churches have decided that LGBTIQ people should not be allowed to have equal participation rights in leadership and ministry. We have a different practice on all these issues because we believe that regardless of gender, sexuality or background there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus and all are loved, welcomed and included equally. All people are w

Should gay people be accepted as members in the community of faith or ordained to church leadership?

Should gay people be accepted as members in the community of faith or ordained to church leadership? The Revisionist Answer The liberating ethic of love demands that a local church accept gays and allow them to participate fully in membership, including leadership. The Bible does not concern itself with the modern idea of mutually committed relationships of people who have been gay from birth. The Bible does not condemn such. It is obvious, then, that churches should ordain gay people for ministry. The Biblical Answer Ample evidence exists that the ancients knew and sometimes practiced gay relationships and mutuality. Paul’s discussion in Romans 1 , 1 Corinthians 6:9 –11, and 1 Timothy 1:8–10 must include this understanding of homosexual relationships .  In addition, Paul’s vice list—including “homosexuals” (arsenokoitai)—occurs in a broader context of those who “shall not inherit the kingdom of God” ( 1 Cor. 6:9–11) and who should, like the person involved in sexual

A response to Brad Chilcott - Homosexuality, Romans 1 and Against Nature Explained

Romans 1 :26–27 Perhaps no New Testament text has suffered more assaults than has Romans 1 . Central to the revisionist approach like Brad Chilcott- to Romans 1 is the focus on new ways of understanding the meaning of nature (physis) in verses 26–27. Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion. The words for “natural relations” represent more literally “natural use” (physikēn chrēsin). Unnatural relations, then, are “against nature” (para physin). The word for “nature” occurs once as a noun (in v. 26) and twice as an adjective (in vv. 26 and 27). “Against Nature”—Views of Interpretation Perverts and Inverts Some interpreters limit the term natural to “what is natural for m