
Showing posts with the label Organizations

Sex education in the wrong hands

One of the things closest to many is parents' ability to direct their own children's education—particularly on sensitive topics like sexuality. Unfortunately, a coalition of liberal sex education and gay-activism groups recently released some supposed "national sexuality education standards"—and they want your child's school to think those guidelines are the official standards for the nation. The so-called "standards" emphasize same-sex marriage, homosexual relationships and condom use, and suggest telling eighth-graders where they can get get the morning-after pill, among other topics. The list of contributors is a who's-who of liberal sex education advocates including Planned Parenthood ® . These folks are well known for their long history of promoting liberal sexuality in the classroom. Watch this week's  CitizenLink Report ,  in which my colleagues Carrie Gordon Earll and Chad Hills discuss the new guidelines.         In response,

Ten Signs You Are Near A Burnout/Meltdown

90% of the people entering ministry DO NOT RETIRE from ministry, they either quit or have some sort of moral/ethical failure that disqualifies them. AND yet so many of us (church leaders) struggle/wrestle with this (usually inwardly because if we said out loud that we are dying inside we fear that people may perceive us as weak!) Here are ten signs that you are near a burnout and/or meltdown… #1 – You are beginning to despise people and your compassion for them is continually decreasing rather than increasing. #2 – You OFTEN think about doing something other than ministry…and your biggest desire isn’t to honor God and reach people but to simply find relief from the pressure that seems to be building daily inside of you. #3 – You cannot remember the last time you simply had fun with family and friends…and joy is something you talk about but are not experiencing for yourself. #4 – You are disconnected at home…when you get there you do not want to engage with your spouse or your childre