
Showing posts with the label Mass media

Why ddid a government funded TV station: SBS ban marriage advertisement during Homosexual mardi gras?

A lot has happened since our letter to you on Saturday 7 March, as the first television ad in our marriage campaign, ‘Think of the Child’, was broadcast in Sydney as the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade got underway. Since then our ad, “What about Equality for the Child?” has been seen  over half a million times  on YouTube - .   It was the #1 video on YouTube in Australia for most of last week. Mess after Mardi Gras, Sidney, Australia (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) With the Senate set to debate Senator Leyonhjelm’s  Right to Marry Bill   next Thursday , AMF must keep putting out there the child-centred case against gay ‘marriage’ and gay adoption / surrogacy. ENGAGE THE DEBATE The Mardi Gras Parade, that decadent political protest march with its “marriage equality” float, was certainly the right time to place our gentle counter-protest. That decision, and the subsequent decision by SBS to ban our ad, has stimulated debate in a big way.