
Showing posts with the label Pope Benedict

Media critisised for portraying liberal direction of Catholic Church following Pope's comment on homosexuality

"If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?" Francis told reporters in a informal interview. While that was the most quoted line from the interview, what he said immediately afterward was cited less often: "The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains this very well. It says one must not marginalize these persons, they must be integrated into society. The problem isn't this [homosexual] orientation – we must be like brothers and sisters. The problem is something else, the problem is lobbying either for this orientation or a political lobby or a Masonic lobby." Francis was answering a question about the so-called "gay lobby" within the Catholic Church that seeks to change the Church's position on homosexuality. The relevant portion of the Catechism that Francis was referring to states: "The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which i

Pope: True peace in the world requires end of abortion and gay 'marriage'

ROME, December 14, 2012, ( )—“ Peacemakers are those who love, defend and promote life in its fullness,” said Pope Benedict XVI in his Message for World Day of Peace 2013. In the message, which was  released today , the pope noted that “serious harm to justice and peace” comes from denying the true principles of respect for life and promotion of the “natural structure of marriage as the union of a man and a woman.” Pope Benedict XVI, boldly stressed that pro-lifers are the ‘true peacemakers’ and that those who would support abortion promote a “false peace.” The path to the attainment of the common good and to peace is above all that of respect for human life in all its many aspects, beginning with its conception, through its development and up to its natural end. True peacemakers, then, are those who love, defend and promote human life in all its dimensions, personal, communitarian and transcendent. Life in its fullness is the height of peace. Anyone wh

Christian politicians must protect marriage, common good, says pope

Pope Benedictus XVI (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Christian politicians have a duty to protect human life , traditional marriage and the common good, Pope Benedict XVI said. All Christians are called upon to defend and promote human dignity , and "this responsibility particularly concerns those called to political office ," he told representatives of Christian Democratic parties from around the world. The Old Testament warning that "judgment is stern" for those in high places is "highly beneficial," the pope said, because it is "a warning given not to frighten but to spur and encourage those in government, at all levels, to achieve all the good of which they are capable, in keeping with the mission the Lord entrusts to each one." The pope's remarks came during an audience with political leaders taking part in the Christian/Centrist Democrat International's executive committee meeting Sept. 21 in Rome. The group's president, Pie

Cardinal Martini and the false theology promoting homosexuality

Português: Funeral do papa João Paulo II. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) ROME, March 27, 2012 ( ) – Cardinal Carlo Martini, who at the conclave of 2005 was a favorite of ‘social justice’ Catholics to be elected Pope, has penned a book wherein he supports homosexual relationships.  The powerful Cardinal who was Archbishop of Milan until his retirement in 2002 at age 75, now lives in Jerusalem and suffers from Parkinson’s disease . Given Cardinal Martini ’s prominence in the Catholic Church (some sources suggest that he had quite a few votes to become Pope in the 2005 conclave) his statements on homosexuality point to a powerful counter-ideology that has made significant inroads into the Church’s teaching on the matter of homosexuality.  It is an ideology or theology that was warned about already in 1986 by Martini’s contemporary Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI . In his newly released  book ,  Credere e conoscere  (Faith and Understanding), Cardinal Mar

Pope: homosexual ‘marriage’ threatens ‘the future of humanity’

VATICAN CITY , January 9, 2012 ( ) – In his annual address to ambassadors to the Vatican today, Pope Benedict XVI warned that laws permitting abortion and undermining the traditional family are threatening “the future of humanity.”  Speaking particularly of the West , the Holy Father said, “I am convinced that legislative measures which not only permit but at times even promote abortion for reasons of convenience or for questionable medical motives compromise the education of young people and, as a result, the future of humanity.” Pope Benedict Similarly, the pope spoke of “the family, based on the marriage of a man and a woman,” noting that it “is not a simple social convention , but rather the fundamental cell of every society.”  He added: “Consequently, policies which undermine the family threaten human dignity and the future of humanity itself.” Benedict noted the ‘dark times’ we are living in currently due to economic and social unrest . “The present moment is

Same-sex unions “penalize” natural marriage in law: Pope Benedict

Image via Wikipedia Pope Benedict XVI told Italian politicians today that the imposition of legally recognized same-sex unions “penalizes” natural marriage. In an address to political, business and social leaders of the city and province of Rome and the Lazio region , the pope said that the natural family , made up of one man and one woman bound in marriage with their children, is the “basic cell” of society in which “children learn the human and Christian values that make possible constructive and peaceful coexistence .” “The approval of forms of union that pervert the essence and end of the family, ends by penalizing all those who, not without effort, are committed to living stable affective bonds, guaranteed juridically and recognized publicly,” Benedict said. Lazio is the most populous of Italy ’s regions (equivalent to a state or a province) and is the country’s government and financial hub because it includes the capital city of Rome . The pope decried the region’s high rates