
Showing posts with the label Q&A

Q&A on homosexual marriage

And how can we answer questions people have – especially from those who don’t believe in God?   What are the consequences for everyone if we don’t speak and the definition of marriage is changed? here are some Q&A to help you understand. “Don’t LGBTI couples deserve equality?”  Every man and woman in Australia needs to know they’re equally valuable to God. This applies to LGBTI people just as it does for everyone else. So Christians are against any law that unfairly discriminates against an LGBTI person. We actively supported the Same-Sex Relationships reforms in 2008 because it provided equal treatment, such as with laws to do with superannuation. Minister Tanya Plibersek said at the time, “We removed every piece of legal discrimination against gay men, lesbians and same-sex couples on the statute books”.1 It was the right thing to do for individuals. Today the debate isn’t really about discrimination – as Minister Plibersek says, the discrimination had been removed. It’

Australia: NT teacher is correct regarding gay comment on Facebook

The actions of an Alice Springs teacher are being investigated by the education department after he posted on a public Facebook forum that the "lifestyle choice" of "gays" was "inherently wrong". The teacher, made a correct comment in relation to a post by ABC program Q&A that he shared on Saturday last week on the Alice Springs Community Open Forum Facebook page. "Gays think the reason they don't feel good about themselves is because society currently won't let them call themselves married. Will it change when the law changes?  No, because the reason they don't feel good about themselves is because their lifestyle choice is inherently wrong."  NO GAY GENE - NO BORN GAY - BUT CULTURAL INFLUENCE Dr. Paul R. McHugh , the Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University and former psychiatrist–in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital , who has studied sexuality for 40 years, said it is a scientific fa

Kevin Rudd says homosexuality is good because Apostle Paul supported slavery

SLAVERY AND THE NEW TESTAMENT Under the New Covenant the people of God are not a nation with boundaries but are trans-national, from every tribe. Moreover, Christians are repeatedly instructed to submit to the governing authorities (Rom 13:1–7; 1 Pet 2:13–14). It is in this context that we must understand the New Testament instructions for slaves to submit to their masters (Eph 6:5; 1 Pet 2:18). Slavery in the New Testament The authors of the New Testament are not out to revolutionize the existing social order but to make disciples of Jesus . They are not trying to overthrow governments or renovate social relations but make the gospel attractive. This is explicit in 1 Timothy 6:1, where having commanded slaves to regard their masters as worthy of all honor, Paul explains that this is “so that God’s name and His teaching will not be blasphemed.”  The same thing is seen in Titus 2:9–10, where slaves are to be obedient and trustworthy “so that they may adorn the teaching of God

Born Gay No way Katty Perry

Homosexuals today commonly claim that they cannot help being homosexual. Homosexuality, they argue, is innate: perhaps genetically determined, in any case inescapable. It is what they are. God made them that way. Therefore, they conclude, church and society should accept their homosexuality as natural and normal. Similar questions arise in other areas. Some years ago, it was learned that an abnormally high proportion of men with a “double y” ( XYY ) chromosome engage in anti-social or criminal behavior . Later came the discovery that a certain gene is associated with a relatively high percentage of alcoholics. And still more recently,  Simon LeVay , a gay activist and neuroscientist, argued that there are some significant differences between the brains of exclusive homosexuals and those of presumed heterosexuals. Does this research imply that homosexuality is an innate condition rather than a choice? Can it not be helped, and therefore accepted as normal? I believe there were some

God abhors homosexuality

For this reason  God  gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. (1:26–27) For this reason, Paul declares-that is, because of man’s rejecting the true God for false gods of his own making, for worshiping the creature rather than the Creator-God gave them over to degrading passions. For the second time (see v. 24) the apostle mentions God’s abandonment of sinful mankind. He abandoned them not only to idolatry, the ultimate sexual expression of man’s spiritual degeneracy, but also to degrading passions, which he identifies in these two verses as homosexuality, the ultimate expression of man’s moral degeneracy. To illustrate the degrading passions that rise out of the fallen human heart, Paul