
Showing posts with the label Eunuchs

False Argument - Jesus said some are born gay

HERE IS THE ARGUMENT FROM "WOULD JESUS DISCRIMINATE " The author attempts to say that a man born as a eunuch is homosexual and because Jesus talks about it - he approve of homosexual men . In the ancient world, including ancient Jewish culture (as reflected in the Talmud), “natural” or “born” eunuchs were not associated with missing testicles. Rather, they were associated with stereotypically effeminate characteristics and behavior (just like modern gay men), and were thought by Rabbi Eliezer to be subject to “cure” (just like modern gays). Moreover, as we have also seen, eunuchs were commonly associated with homosexual desire. (For a complete discussion of the term "born eunuch" and the connection with homosexuality, see The Early Church Welcomed a Gay Man .) As a reasonably informed person of his time, Jesus would have been aware of this common view of eunuchs. Yet he very matter-of-factly asserts that some people are simply born that way. The

Jesus is talking about accepting singleness not that born eunuchs are gay

Some homosexual groups who do not understand the scriptures, or its meaning, point to Matthew 19:12 and attempt to say that Jesus supports the notion of BEING BORN GAY - when he speaks of three types of eunuchs and the first is a person born as a eunuch. However, the context of the conversation has to do with the disciples incorrect view of marriage.  Jesus was now alone in a house with the disciples (Mark 10:10), where they felt free to comment on what He had just been saying. They may have discussed divorce and remarriage with the Lord at some length before finally saying to Him, “If the relationship of the man with his wife is like this, it is better not to marry.” Because they had grown up in a culture where divorce was rampant, largely due to that rabbinical teaching which not only permitted but even required divorce for virtually any reason, the Twelve were more than a little perplexed by what Jesus taught. Many Jews considered divorce a virtue almost on a par with m

False Bible Argument - Born Eunuchs are gay

THE METROPOLITAN COMMUNITY CHURCH ( GAY CHURCH)  MCC justifies its existence on interpreting Bible scripture that appear to say that God made homosexuals. In particular,  simply states that - Born Eunuchs are homosexuals, hence Jesus affirms - You can be born gay. But is this a correct interpretation of Matthew 19 ? Below is the statement from "Would Jesus Discriminate"  Here Jesus refers to "eunuchs who have been so from birth." This terminology ("born eunuchs") was used in the ancient world to refer to homosexual men. Jesus indicates that being a "born eunuch" is a gift from God. SO LET'S EXAMINE IN CONTEXT THIS STATEMENT OF JESUS Matthew 19:12 The linking γάρ (‘for’) confirms the role of v. 12 as explanatory of v. 11. But the explanation is anything but immediately transparent. We are introduced to three kinds of eunuchs, each introduced in a separate clause and classified in term