
Showing posts with the label Corsica

Opposing gay ‘marriage’ is ‘truth in love’ not homophobia: Corsican pastor

The bishop of the French diocese of the island of Corsica has come out swinging against the plans announced by the government to institute “ gay marriage ”. Olivier de Germay, bishop of the diocese of Ajaccio , wrote on the diocesan website that the plans will result in the “destruction of one of the pillars of our society”. Bishop de Germay said that the ideologies of the past thirty years, spread largely “underground,” have “led to the breakup of the family,” and will finally result in the “disintegration of the person itself”. “In both cases, it is the whole society that disintegrates.” He urged his readers, however, not to lose hope but to “mobilize” and challenge the gender ideologies and proclaim the “Good News.” “And the Good News that we proclaim, is that it is possible to love in truth. That’s the beauty of sexuality and marriage lived through the Holy Spirit in accordance with God’s plan.” He warned that it is an error to give in and be silenced in the face of accusati