
Showing posts with the label Georgetown University

University prohibits ‘microaggressions’ against homosexuals and transsexuals

Jesuit-run Georgetown University has instituted a policy allowing people to make anonymous tips against anyone they regard as having said something insensitive to their minority status, an offense known as a “microaggression.” The policy includes “microaggressions” against people based on their “sexual orientation” or “gender identity or expression,” making a possible target of Christians, Jews, Muslims, and others who reject LGBT ideology. The policy is being implemented by Georgetown’s medical school, whose “Office of Diversity and Inclusion” has posted a page entitled “What To Do About Microaggressions” on its website, and has initiated a propaganda campaign for the policy using posters placed on campus. The definition of a “microaggression” given by Georgetown is so vague and general that it appears that virtually any behavior or even circumstances in the environment might be interpreted as constituting the offense. STUPID UNIVERSITY RULES A poster used by Georgetown in the cam

Rebellious Priest says the sin of homosexuality no longer a sin - God disagrees

The Bible ’s condemnation of homosexual acts should be taken in “context” with Biblical times, Jesuit Father James Martin  told   Georgetown University students recently. Martin said as well that Catholics who support gay “marriage” should have no problem considering themselves Catholic, despite having chosen to reject Church teaching. Martin inferred at his January 31  appearance  at the Jesuit school that the Bible’s negative pronouncements on homosexual acts – which are grounded in natural law – are like other Biblical declarations on topics such as the practice of charging interest on a loan. These pronouncements being made during a particular epoch renders them applicable in that given historical context, he said. Catholics should be invited to “understand the Bible,” he said, and to understand the Bible’s tradition of condemning homosexual acts “within the context of history.” A young woman had asked  Martin  how, given the repeated negative scriptural treatment

Planned Parenthood uses Mother’s Day to celebrate abortion, ‘gender fluidity’

Planned Parenthood volunteers help bring the fight for health insurance reform to the Ohio Statehouse in Columbus. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Planned Parenthood took advantage of Mother’s Day to promote the antithesis of empowered motherhood : abortion . On its Twitter account, the nation’s largest abortion provider celebrated abortion and gender fluidity on the holiday dedicated to honoring mothers and the sacrifices they make for their children: “Planned Parenthood works every day to promote healthy, planned motherhood all over the world, and to support moms of all ages, races, and walks of life,” the abortion giant posted on Facebook .  “We wish you a Happy Mother's Day!” According to its   own annual report , Planned Parenthood ripped 323,999 children out of their mothers’ wombs during the fiscal year 2014-2015.  Planned Parenthood’s work promoting “healthy, planned motherhood all over the world” includes supplying to women hormonal birth control that the   Wor

Majority of Catholic colleges host pro-homosexual groups: survey

English: McGivney Hall on the Catholic University of America campus in Washington (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) November 20, 2012 ( ) – Georgetown , Notre Dame and Creighton Universities are counted among the whopping 52% of Catholic colleges that sponsor pro- homosexual student clubs that violate Catholic Church teaching, up from 45% in 2009, according to a Catholic student group .  Students and parents are petitioning their schools, asking for a disbandment of the clubs that they say are un-Catholic. A survey by TFP Student Action has found pro-homosexual student clubs at 111 out of the 211 schools listed by the most comprehensive reference material available, “Ganley’s Catholic Schools in America,” published by Fisher Publishing Company.  TFP’s  comprehensive list  with corresponding clubs includes links to school websites and club descriptions. TFP claims that many of the mentioned clubs act as platforms of Catholic dissent, advancing the idea of same-sex

Los Angeles archbishop suspends faculties of ‘Catholics for Equality’ priest

LOS ANGELES, September 14, 2012 ( ) - A priest who helped found a gay ‘marriage’ advocacy group for Catholics has been suspended from distributing the sacraments or representing himself publicly as a cleric by his bishop. Archbishop Gomez The National Catholic Register reported Monday that Archbishop Jose Gomez of Los Angeles had spoken to Rev. Joseph Palacios, co-founder of “Catholics for Equality” (CFE), a small group created two years ago with strong connections to the Human Rights Campaign . Palacios  described  the purpose of his outreach at Princeton University in February 2011, where he called the Church’s faithful the key target for effecting cultural shift in favor of homosexuality.  “The denominations are already lined up. The only group that isn’t lined up is the Catholics,” said Palacios, who was wearing a Roman collar . In Maine and California, where efforts at marriage redefinition failed, he said, “it was 3-5% of Catholics that could hav

Same-sex marriage thought police?

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) activists would have us believe that the issue of marriage is about the "rights" and "equality" of homosexuals. But in reality, the push to redefine marriage is about demanding public approval and celebration of homosexuality. There is a difference. Slot machines are legal in some areas, but if the chief operating officer of Chick-fil-A had expressed a personal disapproval of gambling, would slot-machine supporters have demanded a boycott of his restaurants? What about smokers? Would they have lambasted Dan Cathy for expressing that he personally does not approve of smoking? No. Because at the end of the day, gamblers want the right to gamble, and smokers want the right to smoke cigarettes. Both groups, however, have accepted the fact that not everyone approves of their choice to do these things. But LGBT activists are not satisfied with being able to "love whomever they want."  California public schools h

Review finds number of pro-homosexual clubs rising at U.S. Catholic universities

Image via Wikipedia SPRING GROVE, PA, December 7, 2011  – A review by the youth network of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP), found that out of 244 Catholic universities and colleges in America , 107, or 43%, recognize student clubs that favor the homosexual agenda, according to their official websites . A similar survey by TFP Student Action in 2008 found that 96 Catholic university websites contained information about pro-homosexual clubs. “A sort of dictatorship of tolerance is slowly squeezing out the truth, silencing Catholic teaching right on Catholic campuses,” said TFP Student Action Director John Ritchie. “More and more Catholic college students are confronted with visible, active and well-funded pro-homosexual clubs that openly contradict natural law and undermine moral values.” “To see this happening at Catholic institutions of higher learning is particularly disturbing,” Ritchie said, adding that many of the pro-homosexual cl

Catholics remain ignorant of Bible's condemnation of homosexuality

Image via Wikipedia Support for same-sex “marriage” and civil unions runs high among the Catholic population, even claiming the majority of Catholics who attend Mass weekly, according to a poll released this month. The survey by the Public Religion Research Institute ( PRRI )  found  that Catholics surpass other Christians and even the general public in their support for homosexual unions, both as “marriage” and other marriage-like unions recognized by the state. The results among Catholics were broken down among those who attend Mass weekly or more (38 percent of Catholics), once or twice per month (20 percent), or less often (41 percent). Support for same-sex “marriage” was far higher among the last group with 59 percent support, and only 16 percent against all types of homosexual unions. But even among those attending Mass weekly or more, only 31 percent were against legal recognition of homosexual unions; 26 percent favored same-sex “marriage” and 38 percent favored civil uni