
Showing posts with the label Common sense

Reject Homosexual Marriage Immorality

Marriage matters because kids deserve a mom and a dad. You've heard me say this again and again. And you've also heard me explain that this isn't a difficult concept or theory to grasp: I've said over and over that it is simply common sense . But when you look around the world today, and increasingly in our own country — especially over the past few weeks — it can be tough to fathom how, if that is really "common sense," so many people manage to discard or ignore it. How can so many folks in our country — ordinary citizens, judges, state legislators — seem to see the matter of marriage so differently from us and from how it's been known in almost every country for all time, if it truly is a matter of "common sense"? Well, perhaps to them the phrase 'common sense' might not mean what we think it means. The philosopher Heraclitus noted that, "While wisdom is common, many live as if they own their own wisdom." Put another way, co