
Showing posts with the label Ministry for Foreign Affairs (Sweden)

Hate Crimes and Homosexuality

English: Protesters for gay marriage at the 2009 Marcha Gay in Mexico City (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) A hate crime is defined as . . . "A hate crime is usually defined by state law as one that involves threats, harassment, or physical harm and is motivated by prejudice against someone's race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, sexual orientation or physical or mental disability." 1 I'm amazed at how successful the homosexual community has been to get "hate crime" added in legalese to include their sexual behavior within it.  This way, they can get special rights and protection for their lifestyle.  Remember, homosexuality is a behavior and a lifestyle; race, color, religion, national origin, and ethnicity are not.  So, by having what they call "sexual orientation" included in the definition of hate crime, this means that the exact same crime against a homosexual is met with a stiffer penalty than against anyone else.  How is