
Showing posts with the label Twin

Are gays ‘born that way’? Most Americans now say yes, but science says no

For the first time, a majority of Americans say that homosexuals are "born that way."  According to the latest Gallup poll , 51 percent of Americans say that people are born gay or lesbian, while only 30 percent say outside factors such as upbringing and environment determine sexual orientation. However, science would not bear that out. No fewer than  eight major studies from around the world have found homosexuality is not a genetic condition . Peter Sprigg of the   Family Research Council   says that these numerous, rigorous studies of identical twins have now made it impossible to argue that there is a "gay gene." If homosexuality were inborn and predetermined, then when one identical twin is homosexual, the other should be, as well. Yet one study from Yale and Columbia Universities found homosexuality common to only 6.7 percent of male identical twins and 5.3 percent of female identical twins. The low rate of common homosexuality in identical t

Gay is not the new black

English: Gender symbols, sexual orientation: heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality. Česky: (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The first problem with the idea of conflating “ sexual orientation ” and race is the fact that homosexuality is undetectable apart from self-identification . Determining whether or not a person is black, indigenous Australian or Native American , or female usually involves no more than visual verification. However, should doubt remain, blood tests , genetics, or a quick trip up the family tree would suffice. Not so with homosexuality. There is no evidence that can confirm or deny a person's claims regarding sexual orientation. The homosexual community itself has made this identification even more complicated in an effort to distance itself from those whose same-sex behavior they find undesirable. They say pedophiles are not homosexuals!” This is the consistent refrain coming from the homosexual community, media, academia, and the psychological/medical es

Homosexuals are born that way. Therefore it is natural and good.

English: Gender symbols, sexual orientation: heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality. Česky: (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) One of the arguments offered by those in support of homosexuality is that homosexuality is an orientation that people are born with and it has the same moral value as the hair color someone has at birth.  The implication is that since they are said to be born gay, then it is normal and morally acceptable.  The media seems to support this idea, and it is a common position held to justify the behavior.  But there are two problems with this position. First of all, there are a plethora of studies with conflicting results and conclusions on both sides of the argument.  Nevertheless, we could quickly consider studies that deal with identical twins .  If genetics determines sexual orientation , then it should be manifested when studying twins who share the exact same genetic information .  However, that isn't the case.  Consider this... "...If genet

Remembering Reimer: How one man’s tragic suicide proved that boys shouldn’t be raised as girls

WINNIPEG, Manitoba, May 7, 2014 – Ten years ago David Reimer , 38, parked his truck at a local shopping center, put a sawed-off shotgun to his head, and pulled the trigger. His tragic death emphasized the total failure of one of the most famous gender alteration cases in modern medicine. Bruce's name was changed to 'Brenda' and he was raised as a girl. David Reimer was originally named Bruce after he was born a boy along with his identical twin brother Brian in Winnipeg, Manitoba in 1965. A botched circumcision at about eight months burned off the boy’s penis, leaving his young parents bewildered about how they should raise their son. Parents thought they had found an answer when they learned through a television program about Dr. John Money of the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, a psychologist renowned for his theories about gender. Money believed identifying as male or female was a learned trait, but wanted to prove his theory with an ideal test subjec

Homosexual immoral forced social engineering agenda

We have long been accustomed to radical social engineers telling lies to push their agendas. It happens all the time. And the militant homosexual lobby has become expert at this very thing. They will look you in the face and tell you a brazen lie, believing, as did Hitler’s propaganda minister, Goebbels, that if you repeat it often enough and loudly enough, some will start to believe it. One of the biggest lies coming out of their camp is the myth that homosexuality is genetic, that you are born that way, and that you can never change. I of course deal extensively with these falsehoods in my book Strained Relations . There I cite plenty of medical and scientific journals, and many homosexuals as well in rebuttal to these myths. They all make a compelling case against the “born that way” mantra. Yet despite all the proof to the contrary, the activists keep on running with this bogus claim. They still think Goebbels was right, and they keep hammering away at it. Consider a new Aus

Is Lady Gaga correct: Gays are born that way?

Image via Wikipedia Image via Wikipedia Lady Gaga ’s mega-hit song “Born this Way” sold millions of copies affirming what many people believe: homosexuality is hardwired. In fact, people think that’s as axiomatic as saying the earth revolves around the sun. No rational person rejects the idea. The only hold-outs, it is said, are either ignorant of science, homophobic, or bigots (read: Christians). But before I explain why this view is beset with problems, let me make a tactical suggestion. Many Christians get defensive when someone says homosexuality is inborn. I understand the temptation to argue against this claim. But it’s a mistake to try to show it’s false, at least initially. That’s because the claim is not an argument. It’s just an opinion and, therefore, not necessarily true. In order for their claim to become a bona fide argument, it must be supported with evidence or reasons. So, instead of defending your convictions, make them defend their claim. Simply ask, “What eviden

Born Gay No way!

Image via Wikipedia Image via Wikipedia Image via Wikipedia Image via Wikipedia Lady Gaga ’s mega-hit song “Born this Way” sold millions of copies affirming what many people believe: homosexuality is hardwired. In fact, people think that’s as axiomatic as saying the earth revolves around the sun. No rational person rejects the idea. The only hold-outs, it is said, are either ignorant of science, homophobic, or bigots (read: Christians ). But before I explain why this view is beset with problems, let me make a tactical suggestion. Many Christians get defensive when someone says homosexuality is inborn. I understand the temptation to argue against this claim. But it’s a mistake to try to show it’s false, at least initially. That’s because the claim is not an argument. It’s just an opinion and, therefore, not necessarily true. In order for their claim to become a bona fide argument, it must be supported with evidence or reasons. So, instead of defending your convictions, make them de

Not born Homosexual

Image via Wikipedia First,  after many years of intense research, a genetic component to homosexual desires has not been discovered.   Twin studies show that identical twins do not consistently have the same sexual orientation . In fact, genetics probably explains very little about homosexual desires.  How would a homosexual “gene” be passed on? Homosexuals don’t pass on anything because homosexual unions don’t reproduce. Second, while desires are not a choice, sexual  behavior  always is. So regardless of the source of sexual desires, people are certainly capable of controlling their sexual behavior.  If you claim that they are not—that sexual behavior is somehow uncontrollable—then you have made the absurd contention that no one can be morally responsible for any sexual crime , including rape, incest, and pedophilia. Third, the “born-that-way” claim is an argument from design — “since God designed me with these desires, I ought to act on them.” But the people who say this overl