
Showing posts with the label Sheila Jeffreys

Australian gender theorist: Transgenderism is ‘hugely harmful’...because it’s not radical enough

Australia, April 30, 2014 – A radical feminist gender theorist is making the case that  transgenderism  is a “hugely harmful phenomenon” – but not for the reasons you might expect. The American Psychiatric Association   classifies  gender dysphoria – defined as “a marked incongruence between one’s experienced/expressed gender and assigned gender” – as a mental illness , and  studies show  41 percent of people who suffer from it will attempt suicide at some point in their lives. Many people who suffer from the disorder have their bodies mutilated by surgeons in an attempt to look more like the opposite sex, and  substance abuse  and  risky behaviors  are rampant. Sheila Jeffreys However, in her new book  Gender Hurts , Sheila Jeffreys, a professor of sexual politics at the University of Melbourne , argues that transgenderism is damaging not because it is a devastating mental illness – although she admits the condition “is invariably born of severe psychological distress” – bu