
Showing posts with the label Morality

How does homosexual marriage affect me personally?

In the attempt to defend permitting homosexuals to marry (i.e., man to man and woman to woman), proponents of homosexual marriage ask how such marriages would personally affect those who are opposed to it.  This is worth answering, and I believe there are two areas we need to look at in response. Philosophical Concerns How does a murder in another state between two people living in a trailer park in the middle of nowhere, among people whom we have never known and who don't know anyone we know, affect us personally?  It doesn't, but because it has no effect on us personally this doesn't mean that we should ignore the moral issues associated with  murder  and not condemn such actions.  Murder is morally wrong , and when any moral law is broken we are all ultimately affected and we know that if such actions were to increase, society would be matter where you are. Am I comparing homosexual marriage to murder and saying they are related or somehow equa

What are homosexuals supposed to do if they can't change?

Español: Intercambio de anillos entre los novios (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) What should a homosexual do if he becomes a Christian and his same-sex desires do not go away? Can he force himself to change? Or, is he supposed to live in frustration and not getting married for the rest of his life? First of all, before I attempt to answer these questions, I want to express my sympathy for the dilemma in which repentant homosexuals can find themselves. Whether or not homosexuality is an orientation by birth, the practice is still condemned by Scripture; and like other sins such as adultery , fornication, and lying, it needs to be avoided. Second, there's no magic pill, no quick phrase, no psychological attitude adjustment that just makes homosexual tendencies go away or become tolerable. The only thing that can produce such a radical change is the work of  God . It has happened before with people where they have become Christians and by God's grace have been able to f

Pew poll shows most nations around the world find homosexuality immoral

April 22, 2014  – Not a single nation in the 40 countries surveyed by Pew Research Center said abortion is morally acceptable. The majority of the people in dozens of nations across every continent but Antarctica deemed abortion and homosexuality morally unacceptable, according to results from the  Pew Research Center’s 2013 Global Attitudes . An outright majority of citizens in 26 countries found abortion morally objectionable – 13 of them by a three-to-one margin. The nations with the lowest tolerance of abortion were the Philippines , followed by Ghana, Indonesia, Uganda, and El Salvador. Similarly, majorities in 22 nations  opposed homosexuality  on moral grounds. Majorities in only three countries say homosexuality is morally acceptable: the Czech Republic , Spain, and Germany. “The results of the Pew poll aren’t that surprising,” Adam Cassandra, communications manager of Human Life International , told “HLI’s pro-life missionaries around the wo

When you get called a bigot or homphobe....

Friedrich Nietzsche (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The appeal of ethical relativism is rather plain to see. If there is no right and wrong then I can't be convicted of any wrong. Ethical relativism allows me to write my own law , to edit on the fly, to finish "I may do this . . ." with an unassailable ". . . because I want to." Desire becomes its own justification. My will becomes my law. This appeal, however, soon enough begins to dissipate if we have any interest at all in being coherent, consistent in our thinking.  We quickly turn, "I may do this, because I want to" into "You may not do that, because I want to do this." Consider, just as an example, homosexual sexual perversion . The problem, morally speaking, with homosexual sexual perversion is that it is an abomination to God .  Ethical relativism, of course, bars God from the conversation. Therefore there is no reason by which we might condemn the practice. There is, to these

There is no moral justification for homosexual immorality even if the cutlre changes

Are people more suspicious than they once were of moralism in public policy ? So  Ross Douthat   argues  in a column about legalized gambling and marijuana. The spread of casinos is driven by states seeking revenue and gaming lobbyists pressing their agenda, whereas weed legalization is driven by activists, "influenced by empathy for the terminally ill, and hastened by public exhaustion with the drug war," Douthat writes. "But both have been made possible by the same trend in attitudes: the rise of a live-and-let-live social libertarianism , the weakening influence of both religious conservatism and liberal communitarianism, the growing suspicion of moralism in public policy."          WE REJECT MORALS THAT FORBID HOMOSEXUALITY It's a plausible theory, but the last line about moralism makes me want to quibble. Maybe people want public policy to reflect their moral judgments as much as ever, but they no longer regard smoking marijuana or casino gamblin

Why are homosexuals wanting equality through marriage?

Same Sex Marriage (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Must the government recognize every desire people have as a right? Don’t current marriage rules apply equally to everyone?  This is the main battle cry of homosexual activists . It’s brilliant because who can be against equal rights? The problem with the slogan is that, when it comes to marriage, everyone in America already has equal rights. We are all playing by the same rules—we all have the same right to marry any qualified person from the opposite sex. Those rules do not deny anyone “equal protection of the laws” because the qualifications to enter a marriage apply equally to everyone—every male and female has the same right to marry. What certain males and females in our society want is special rights —the special right to marry someone of the same sex. But if we grant special rights for same-sex couples to marry one another, on what grounds can we deny special rights for consenting adults who desire marriage for other socially d

Will Homosexual Marriage affect my marriage?

Español: Intercambio de anillos entre los novios (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) In the attempt to defend permitting homosexuals to marry (i.e., man to man and woman to woman), proponents of homosexual marriage ask how such marriages would personally affect those who are opposed to it.  This is worth answering, and I believe there are two areas we need to look at in response. Philosophical Concerns How does a murder in another state between two people living in a trailer park in the middle of nowhere, among people whom we have never known and who don't know anyone we know, affect us personally?  It doesn't, but because it has no effect on us personally this doesn't mean that we should ignore the moral issues associated with murder  and not condemn such actions.  Murder is morally wrong , and when any moral law is broken we are all ultimately affected and we know that if such actions were to increase, society would be matter where you are. Am I compa

If homosexuality feels normal why is it wrong?

English: Symbol for gay men and male homosexuality. Česky: Symbol gayů a mužské homosexuality vzniklý propojením dvou mužských genderových symbolů. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) This objection is commonly raised in support of homosexuality.  Of course, what is normal is rarely ever defined, but instead is bantered about and offered as a reason for justifying homosexual activity . First of all, "normal" is defined as... "conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal; regular; natural." "approximately average in any psychological trait , as intelligence, personality, or emotional adjustment." b. free from any mental disorder ; sane. " Conforming with, adhering to, or constituting a norm, standard, pattern, level, or type; typical" "Functioning or occurring in a natural way; lacking observable abnormalities or deficiencies." the usual, average, or typical