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Same Sex Attraction

Image via Wikipedia WHAT EXACTLY IS  HOMOSEXUALITY ? Homosexuality is when relational, psychological, emotional, and spiritual issues lead a person to have a sexual and/or romantic attraction to people of the same gender.  Not all people who struggle with homosexuality would consider themselves gay (”gay” can be defined as an identification with a community of people that embraces intimate same-sex relationships).  There are many people who are attracted to members of the same gender who are refraining from acting on their feelings while they seek to change those feelings by addressing their root causes. WHAT ABOUT GOD? Some people, including those dealing with same sex attractions, are completely uninterested in God . Some are hungry for a relationship with Him. Some don’t want to change. Some do. And some don’t want to change their sexual orientation before they become a Christian but afterwards the Holy Spirit makes it an issue and they want to change.  You don’t know what is go