
Showing posts with the label Greens Labor

Australian Government amendments to religious schools bill - LGBT bullies

LGBT ZEALOTS VIA LABOR AND THE GREENS   WANT TO DESTROY RELIGIOUS SCHOOLS, CHURCHES CHURCH AGED HOME For those following the debates about proposed amendments to discrimination laws removing religious freedom from faith-based schools, the LNP Government has now tabled a number of amendments to  the ALP Bill  released earlier this week. While these amendments are a move in the right direction, there are still some serious concerns about their effect on religious schools and their ability to operate in accordance with their religious beliefs. The Government amendments can be seen on  this page  as separate documents. I will aim to briefly outline the effect of the amendments. I will assume readers are familiar with the  ALP Bill  discussed in my previous blog. 1. Deleting new s37(3) An important amendment, numbered  KQ147 , deletes the part of the ALP Bill which adds news 37(3). That provision is one that I highlighted in my previous post as creating a number of unpredictab