
Showing posts with the label Peer pressure

Trans Tragedy now regret

The harms of transgenderism and gender ideology can no longer be ignored. LSN has published four separate reports on the harms of transgenderism, sourcing material from credible medical experts, social scientists, and “detransitioners.” The latter are gender-confused individuals who began to take drugs and/or underwent surgery to present as the opposite sex but have since stopped and regret their actions.  This series is meant to be a resource for confronting LGBT activists and helping gender-confused individuals realize the harms of chemical and surgical mutilations.  This article is a summary of the findings, but LifeSiteNews will continue to expose the harms of transgenderism.  5 men and women harmed by ‘trans’ surgeries share their stories of regret, anxiety, and depression  The first article featured 5 individuals who have been harmed by chemical and genital mutilation. The individuals were lied to by healthcare professionals into injecting themselves with testosterone and removi

Researcher defends study showing teens being pressured into transgenderism after LGBT pushback

The author of a new study on transgender teens that’s been censored by Brown University is responding to critics of her work, which suggests gender-confused teens are significantly influenced by outside pressure to “identify” as a different sex. Last week, we  reported that the study , authored by Brown University behavioral scientist Lisa Littman and published last month in the Public Library of Science’s journal PLOS One, found that 87% of the teens reviewed (via questionnaires to 256 parents) belonged to a friend group characterized by some degree of “social influence” on gender, such as other gender-confused teens; and that 63% of the teens had been diagnosed with at least one mental health disorder or neurodevelopmental disability before deciding they were a different gender. Littman’s findings suggest that what she calls “rapid-onset gender dysphoria (ROGD)” is an effort to conform to one’s social circle, rather than an act of individuality or “authenticity.” “To be heterose

Brown University is in Denial About Transgender Reality

Brown University, perhaps the quirkiest of the Ivy League schools, recently removed from its website information about a peer-reviewed study on gender confusion. The study is called “Rapid-onset gender dysphoria in adolescents and young adults.” It looks at hundreds of cases of young people with a condition that appears during or after puberty in individuals who have not previously experienced gender dysphoria. Why the censorship? University officials couldn’t point fingers at the source. The peer-reviewed descriptive study was done by Lisa Littman, a faculty member in Brown’s own School of Public Health. It recently appeared published in the well-respected scientific journal PLOS ONE. They pointed fingers at the content, which did not, it seems, sufficiently support the transgender cause. There’s an alarming trend of adolescents suddenly announcing they’re in the wrong body. We should all want to know why. Dean of the School of Public Health Bess H. Marcus defended its removal. S

Teen gender confusion associated with ‘trans’ peer groups, prior mental health issues

Most teens who identify as “transgendered” do so after joining peer groups with other gender-confused teens and have been previously diagnosed with at least one mental disorder, according to a new study being derided by pro-LGBT activists. Authored by Brown University behavioral scientist Lisa Littman and published last month in the Public Library of Science’s journal PLOS One, the study reviews 90-question surveys completed by 256 parents of gender-confused children. Eighty-three percent of their children were biologically female, with a mean age of 16.4 and 41 percent having expressed homosexual attraction prior to “coming out” as a different gender. The study found that 87 percent of the teens belonged to a friend group characterized by some degree of “social influence” on the subject, such as one or multiple other teens in the group announcing their transgenderism “during a similar time as they did” and/or exhibiting increased social media or internet use. Sixty-three percent o

Jesus on homosexuality

How must the church answer the challenge on homosexual sin which is now supported by the Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd ? To answer that question, we need to think about the speed of the moral revolution that has pushed this question to the forefront of our culture. In less than a generation, homosexuality has gone from being almost universally condemned to being almost fully normalized in the larger society. We are facing a true moral inversion — a system of moral understandings turned upside down. Where homosexuality was even recently condemned by the society, now it is considered a sin to believe that homosexuality is wrong in any way. A new sexual morality has replaced the old, and those who hold to the old morality are considered morally deficient. The new moral authorities have one central demand for the church: get with the new program. This puts the true church, committed to the authority of God ’s Word, in a very difficult cultural position. Put simply, we cannot