
Showing posts with the label Mean Girls

Homosexual advocates tell lies all the time to smear people who disagree with their agenda

I am going to break two of my own sacred rules right now. One rule, which I decreed a year ago, was never to to do end-of-year posts. They can be trite and annoying. Anyway the events summarized are still fairly fresh in our memory, so the first reaction is often, "what else is new?" The second rule is that I don't respond to Snarky Gay Bloggers. There are so many of them. They say so many things that are untrue. For the most part they are uneducated savages who know very little beyond what they find on the first two pages of a Google search. And generally they have no lives aside from revisiting the high school emotional manipulations that left them wounded, only this time, with them in the position of the Mean Girls , shielded by their pseudonyms and Internet anonymity . I don't respond to them typically, because I honestly don't have time. I teach a full load as a professor and spend a lot of my writing time collating information about children's rights. I