
Showing posts with the label Robert

Robin Roberts 'Comes Out'; Why Now?

Another beloved television celebrity has "come out" and said to the world, "I am gay." This time its ABC's Good Morning America host, Robin Roberts . CNN says that Roberts has always been "open about her health battles, but she has not previously spoken publicly about her sexuality." [1] The timing of Robert's announcement begs the question: Why now? On May 8, 2012, North Carolina approved a marriage protection amendment to its constitution, defining marriage as one man and one woman. The amendment was approved by the electorate 61% to 39%. It was an overwhelming defeat for so-called gay rights. After such a profound victory, one would have expected the story to have dominated the national news the next day. It didn't. In fact, it was given less than honorable mention in the media scheme. Instead, the huge story on May 9th was President Obama's avowed support for same-sex marriage. Who did the interview of the President on the su