
Showing posts with the label Chris Wallace

Santorum stands by ‘Don’t Ask’ defense against racism comparison

Image via Wikipedia October 11, 2011 - After coming out strongly against the repeal of the military’s Don’t Ask Don’t Tell ( DADT ) policy during the GOP Fox News /Google Debate, Rick Santorum defended his comments in  an interview  this past Sunday on Fox News with Chris Wallace . Confronted at the debate by a homosexual soldier, Santorum had explained that he opposed the repeal of DADT, which had forbidden open homosexuals from serving in the military, because it was like “playing social experimentation with our military.” “The military’s job is to do one thing and that is to defend our country. We need to give the military, which is all volunteer, the ability to do so in a way that is most effective in protecting our men and women in uniform, and I believe this undermines that ability,” he said, adding that, as president, he would reinstitute DADT, but would allow those who had been admitted under the current administration’s policy to remain. In Sunday’s interview, Wallace comp