
Showing posts with the label gay feelings

How does homosexual marriage affect me personally?

In the attempt to defend permitting homosexuals to marry (i.e., man to man and woman to woman), proponents of homosexual marriage ask how such marriages would personally affect those who are opposed to it .   This is worth answering, and I believe there are two areas we need to look at in response. Philosophical Concerns How does a murder in another state between two people living in a trailer park in the middle of nowhere, among people whom we have never known and who don't know anyone we know, affect us personally?   It doesn't, but because it has no effect on us personally this doesn't mean that we should ignore the moral issues associated with  murder  and not condemn such actions.   Murder is morally wrong , and when any moral law is broken we are all ultimately affected and we know that if such actions were to increase, society would be matter where you are. Am I comparing homosexual marriage to murder and saying they are related

What should someone who has an ongoing, seemingly unchanged pattem of same-sex attraction do in obedience to Christ?

That Christian must, by the authority of Scripture and in obedience to the gospel, submit everything she or  he is to Christ . For someone who has an ongoing, seemingly unchanged, and perhaps unchangeable (in this life) pattern of same-sex attraction , the call to holiness would appear, in most cases, to be a call to celibacy .  In all cases, it would be a call to avoid sexual sin and any celebration of a sexual orientation that disobeys God and his Word. No escape from same-sex attraction may come. Thus, celibacy, honored by Christ himself and regarded by the apostle Paul, would appear to be the requirement of faithfulness and obedience. The Christian church has failed in not affirming the gift of celibacy. It has failed to show how the gift of celibacy reflects obedience to Christ and the glory of God. The Christian church has also failed to honor those who give themselves to lives of celibacy for the sake of the gospel, a lifestyle Paul commended for its advantages (I Cor. 7: