
Showing posts with the label Columbia Law School

True or False? Stigma not same-sex parents, harms children

Is this true? Discrimination, not same-sex parents, harms children.  Today , Australian newspapers stretched research to imply that stigma not gay parents harm kids. Newspapers used that line to blame "No" campaign for mental health degradation of children of homosexuals parents. What is the basis for journalists making this claim?  Medical Journal of Australia says: "13 specialists, who include Professor Frank Oberklaid from the Murdoch Children's Research Institute , and Associate Professor Michelle Telfer, from the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne said - "The research tells us that children and adolescents with same-sex parents are doing well, despite the discrimination (stigma) their families endure. This will not continue for long in the face of hostile debate. When damaging misrepresentations of the evidence circulate unchecked, the potential for stigmatising rhetoric to generate greater harm to this community increases."   Who

Conversion Therapy Bans - not so quick!

What does the scholarly research say about whether conversion therapy can alter sexual orientation ? Here is a study that has been quoted constantly in Australia -  Columbia Law School - here What is interesting is -of the 47 studies - 12 claim to be harmful, 1 claims no harm and 34 do not draw any harmful or harm conclusion. Yet, Columbia Law School holds the position that it is harmful but that is difficult to draw when you read all the studies. Ideology appears to play a part in these studies which are predominantly self-reporting. For example, this is the abstract from one of the 34 undecided studies which show clearly an unbiased approach: "The purpose of this article is to identify the ethical issues in efforts to ban reorientation therapies. The 3 primary arguments cited in the literature in favor of such a ban are discussed: (a) homosexuality is no longer considered a mental illness , (b) those who request change do so because of internalized homophobia , a