
Showing posts with the label Supremes

children raised by Homosexual parents feel the loss of a father or mother, regardless of our love for gay parents.”

The Supreme Court is deciding whether or not to redefine marriage—and we're hearing a lot of claims about how well children do when they’re reared by homosexual couples. Sad to say, some of those claims are being made to the Supremes —and they are completely false. One man who knows a little about this first-hand is Dr. Robert Oscar Lopez, who teaches at California State University at Northridge . Lopez, who says he’s bi-sexual, was raised by his lesbian mother and her partner. And while he’s for civil unions, he’s against redefining marriage. At “Public Discourse,”  a website run by the Witherspoon Institute , Lopez writes of the great professional risk he took when he and Doug Mainwaring filed an amicus brief with the Supreme Court. Risky, because Lopez knows how vicious homosexual activists can sometimes be when anyone disputes their claims. Lopez is speaking out in part because he was asked to do so by others raised by same-sex partners, but who fear the repercussions of

Supreme Court labelled truth ‘hate speech’ in homosexuality case

WEYBURN, Saskatchewan , 4 March, 2013 ( ) – Not finding vindication in Canada ’s highest court , the country’s most controversial self-styled Christian evangelist has taken to the blogosphere to defend his innocence and exonerate himself from the judges’  unanimous pronouncement  that he is guilty of “ hate speech ”. “The reasoning for ruling that two of my four flyers should be deemed ‘hate speech’ is specious and fantastical at best, or dishonest and totalitarian at worst,”  wrote  Bill Whatcott today on his blog FreeNorthAmerica. Bill Whatcott Whatcott said that two of his flyers deemed hate speech by the Court contained only facts about the dangers of the homosexual lifestyle and the biblical word for men who have sex with men. “ The Supremes didn’t like that I used the Biblical word ‘sodomite’ to describe folks who commit sodomy and they thought using statistics showing the down side of homosexual behaviour, even if backed up with peer reviewed s