
Showing posts with the label sexual temptation

Is same sex attraction or desire sinful?

Authors Name Changed . Anytime I write about the ever-controversial topic of homosexuality, I anticipate and mentally prepare for some push back. Everybody seems to have a strong opinion on this issue, and many are not shy about expressing those opinions (as long as they can do so behind a computer screen). Most of the time, the arrows of criticism are launched from the bows of gay-affirming unbelievers or theologically liberal “ Christians ” who believe God blesses same-sex relationships. However, there are exceptions. Earlier this year, after one of my pieces was republished on the The Gospel Coalition’s website , most of the critical responses were composed by Bible -believing Christians who, like me, believe homosexual behavior is sinful. But, unlike me, they also believe merely experiencing same-sex attraction is a willful act of sin. A number of readers commended me for turning away from same-sex behaviors, but they also insisted that my ongoing struggle with same-sex attrac

If I am a Christian who experiences same-sex attraction, should I pray to not have homosexual feelings?

Every Christian should pray exactly as the Lord taught us to pray in the Lord's Prayer : "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven" ( Matt. 6:10 KJV ). This kind of prayer not only longs for world systems to align with the kingdom of Christ , but also longs for our lives to align with God 's will.  It reflects a desire to become more faithful to Christ and more conformed to his image. This certainly includes our sexual orientation . We should also pray, "Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil" (v. 13).  Asking God to draw us away from things that tempt us should be the content of our prayer. We should ask God to replace gay homosexual temptation with holiness. Heterosexuals are also tempted sexually. "Lead us not into temptation" is a prayer for both the heterosexual Christian and the Christian battling same-sex attraction , or any other form of sexual desire. We don't celebrate murder, adult