
Showing posts with the label High Court of Justice

Why should the high court decide on homosexual marriage and not areferendum?

The ACT's gay marriage legislation is a political decision to embarrass the Abbott government in emphasising that a referendum is the people's right to decide big social issues . The vocal minority on gay marriage is the tail that seems to wag the majority Labor dog in the ACT. The ACT Labor government did not consult the people before enacting its controversial and politically motivated legislation. There was no democratic process . Going to the courts is a further run around democracy, allowing a few clever people on the High Court bench to decide how they, not the people, want the Constitution to define marriage. Either way, the people have not been given a say. The Abbott government and the federal opposition should do what ACT Labor refused to do, and endorse a referendum to settle the matter once and for all. The last election disapproved of Kevin Rudd's view of homosexual marriage.  Related articles Why should the high court decide on homosexual marriage

Marriage Debate - What Debate?

David Cameron's picture on the 10 Downing Street website (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Mal Fletcher 2020 on Same Sex Marriage Debate - What debate? To debate an issue, according to most dictionaries, is to engage in argument by discussing opposing ideas, or to deliberate and consider various views. The freedom to engage in rigorous debate is one of the primary indicators of a healthy society. By any standard definition, the current ‘debate’ about the future status and potential redefining of marriage – and therefore family – which is often mentioned by Prime Minister David Cameron , is no debate at all. As things stand, there is no public and even-handed airing of issues for and against. There is no careful deliberation about what changes made today will mean for society as a whole – psychologically, sociologically or economically. And no consideration is being given to what changes made today might mean for future generations. Instead, we hear in the main only one sid